Best General Purpose USA Signal Set?


Well-known member
This has probably been asked before but I would like to have a signal set for the USA that offers red at a block/car/buffer/locomotive. Then yellow for the next and finally green for the signal furthest from the blockage. It should be both ground mounted and gantry mounted. I am not seeking authenticity just consistent simple functionality without the red bug.
Prolly kind of obvious but since JR released their signal sets I haven't used anything else. Realistic, versatile and simple to use.
Unfortunately, the JR signal sets all show red until a train approaches. I prefer the kind that show track status if no train is present.
Me being and olden days PRR fan, I use GFishers dwarf(s) R & L, and Seniorchiefs, Gantry, and Tracxkside, signals, as I enjoy position lights
I use the old standard. Haven't had any problems with these:

Signal MN 03 Dwarf

Signal USA 01

Signal USA 02

Signal USA 03

Signal USA 04
Unfortunately, the JR signal sets all show red until a train approaches. I prefer the kind that show track status if no train is present.

You have the builtin which do that or you have NorfolkSouthern37's Searchlights on the DLS. I personally use Searchlight, Safetran, G Style, Semaphore ok basically all. The searchlights are a good one to use. Search some up on the DLS.
So...what are you asking for. ABS type signalling, no absolute blocking at all and you are not specific on the type, 3 light vertical, horizontal, tri-lights, searchlights, position, semaphore? What do you want? Or is it CTC?
He wants the simple US system (02s, 04s etc) but instead of default danger the signals display default clear. Could be done with a bit of tweaking like how approach-lit is accomplished, perhaps?