Been doing some great reading


Narrow minded Tram Person
Went to the library yesterday and borrowed some books on the Walhalla line.

I commercial book "The Iron road to Walhalla" and 3 by the local Musuem at Erica. Rails to Walhalla PT1, Railway to Walhalla PT1 & 3, Part 2 is on its way from Moe Library.

The info in the Musuem one is just fantastic, Every thing you could ever want to know about the line and the way it operated.

Intresting that every NG I read about seems to say it was "One of the Greatest engineering feats", it proby would be hard to work out witch one was the greatest one, this one was quite a task to build.

I wounder if speed limit 25 is still around, my dad had a copy and it had info on all the little 2'6" lines.

Was also reading at the library a book about all the timber Tramways in the valley, there was quite a few of them in this area.
