Been Awhile and in need of help


New member
Well it has been a long time since i have been to this forum or even had time to start building a layout again. Last time i was posting it was for TRS 2004. I now have the Trainz Ultimate pack with TRS 2006 and TRS Classic. I installed both but honestly really have not seen anything great about trainz classic, really dont see the added features either so i guess i will spend most of my time with TRS2006 unless someone could help me see the extra features of classics.

I see that the forums have changed or have been lost not sure what happened but i can not find my earlier post that had the same questions answered that i will ask again.

1. Are there any good tutorials for building a layout including splines, grades, tunnels, corners etc. The manual for the surveyor program is a joke really doesn't tell or say much of anything.

2. Where is the best place to get downloaded content, I registered my name and new serial number for both trs2006 and trsclassics and yet the download station doesn't seem to work. Little disapointing, but both times i have gone to it, it has failed to work.

3. Are any of the older post from the TRS2004 forum still around or are they lost forever. There were a few i was looking for including the one where a person made a huge strip mine with a circular track going down ino it. Also there does not seem to be alot of post here in general compared to what i remember so im guesing people may have moved to a new forum.

4. On one of the DVD i have one of the menu items says extras, i think it is 2006. When clicking it it opens up a windows explorer window in inside are folders of stuff that look like extra things to install but im not sure what they are for or what they do. Can someone tell me what those are for and if they are simply things that are installed already or where they left out.

5. Is there a detailed manual explaining the use of the download manager and also the importer program. It appears much different now then in the earlier versions of trainz and it has me very confused. Are things in the download section that are marked as 2004 compatable with 2006 and 2006 compatable with classics.

6. Does the completed DVD of trainz classics only come with TWO tracks or did i not get a full copy or not install it correctly. If so this has to be a joke.

Let me also say that im sorry if this post is in the wrong place but it contains information for several forums so i did not know where to post it, so i figured posting it in the area where the most people post is the best idea.

Thanks again for your help, i know with trs2004 everyone helped out alot so i know this is the place to come.

Have a great day
While I agree that TRS2004 was a very stable platform I'm also sure I remember when it had tons of issues as well. So I have made the transition into TRS2006 and its sink or swim for the moment. The two seem to be very similar to one another anyway, but 2006 seems to have much better graphics and loads faster. That being said I figured that Classics would be a step above 2006 but i was wrong about that so far. With only two maps / tracks to run it doesn't really give me anything to jump up and down about.

Are there any service patches or updates for TRS2006 and classics that might help fix some things. I cant get the site to for 2006 to allow me access. I have the bare bones right out of the box version of both trs2006 and classics.

They both came as part of a package called Trainz Railwayz.

Thanks again for any help that i can get
For your old forum threads you hope to look for...well there is no hope.
The forum is really nothing now.

The old one is in an archive. You can see the first page of everything and thats about it. So no chance of finding your threads. Plus a lot a people got dumped and have no idea of this forum. Thats why there is fewer post than the old.

The DLS, for that question, has not been going very well for the past few days and no one can really get on it.

And Welcome back!
The version of TRS2006 you have is patched with the newest files. The TC folder has several layouts in it that are not installed. They are tutorial in nature. Use CMP to install them.

Thanks again for the speedy replies. It is sad that alot of the community got lost in the shuffle. I had no clue that the forum had gone so south. I wasn't able to get on because of several life changing events including getting married. So thats why i had dissapeared. Any way i will look into the archives and maybe find out some stuff there. Probably not by the looks of it though.

You said to use CMP for the things inside the extra folders but I'm not really sure how to use CMP at all. In 2004 I think i put everything in the correct folders so I'm guessing CMP is something new. I have looked and found very few items that explain how to use CMP. One thing thats Trainz has always lacked is a good in depth manual.

Are there any good tutorials for surveyor or any instructions for CMP that you could point me to?

I dont care if there off the forums or not, I have found a few on You tube but thats about it. Really be great to get a blog or forum of video tutorials or just tutorials in general. I think one thing that keeps alot of people away from Trainz is the complexity of building your own layout especially when it comes to some of the errors that i have encountered over the years. Without the forums there is little or no help in solving these problems. Sometimes the forums themselves can really be a pain to look through too. Hopefully things get back to the way they were though.

I'm thankfull for the time you take to answer my questions

Have a great day