Bearcat Seriously Ill


Just call my Captain Rude
Hi there this is not bearcat but a frined who has used his log in on his request.

Sorry but I have to report that bearcat is rather sick. he went to bed early Friday feeing a bit off colour with mild head ache. At around 3am he was rushed to the local hospital with the left side of his face looking like he had done ten rounds with Mike Tyson.

Bearcat spent 48 hours in ICU why they tried to work out what was going on and getting the swelling under control, he is now being treated as having a serious sinus infection. He is back at home resting, the left side of his face is rather puffy and vision out of his left is rather restricted.

His biggest complant is due to drugs and swelling he can not focus on a computer screen at present.

We wish him a quick recovery
Hey there tram man cobberoo, I hope you're on the mend. Beer doesn't drink itself! :hehe:

Take care mate.


Hoping to see Bearcat back here as soon as possible. I hope his condition improves as soon as possible.


sorry to hear you not well mate, take care hope all goes well for you. take it easy and come back when your rady mate your healths more important dont try and rush back before your right.


Get Well Wishes

Hi Bearcat,

Sorry to hear you are not well. Get well soon. Long time no see. Cold in ACT.

Take care mate :)
Hope your feeling better each day. And good luck. Oh yes, and remember to have a laugh at anything you can. Even if it hurts, you'll be glad you kept happy :)

Get well soon!

I had something similar (from a tooth abcess!) - and I do realise it can feel like you're in Lala land.

Look after yourself, and thanks for letting us know.

Get well soon Bear.

Good to hear you're back home and on the mend.

Who'd have thought dreaming of going 10 rounds with Mike Tyson could do such a thing.
I constantly dream of going 10 rounds with Kylie Minogue, and it's never done me any harm. :hehe:

I'm sure you'll be back on here before you know it.

All the best,
Get well soon Bearcat. I've suffered my fair share of injuries, with my nose taking the brunt of them-I'm amazed it's still in shape. And stay away from Mike Tyson.
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