basemap snapping


could someone please help? every time i try to move my base in suveyer
it wants to keep jumping back to the other end of table.I click on the
upper left corner of the basemap and it snaps right back to where it
started from. Any kind of help would greatly be appreceated.

thanks very much jay2004:wave:
I think the grab point is either the upper left or upper right corner. I don't remember exactly. If you grab it it will want to snap over so that you're holding the grab point.
If the lines you need to match are close enough to the proper corner you can get by, but for the difficult ones you need to look straight down on the map and adjust the view height (I think down) and don't move too fast. It can be done, but it's a pain.

:cool: Claude
Check your board edges, hitting the edges will cause the bouncing back. I have used baseboards and found that you have to have more room then you need.
I always add in an extra board on the side of the base map to ensure that it doesn't snap.

When moving the basemap, be sure you are directly overhead when grabbing, that seems to reduce the 'jumping' somewhat.
Also, zoom out as far as possible to get a good overall view.
Yes, as John said, add a couple of extra boards, you can always delete them later. One kilometre square baseboards don't quite fit the 750 sq m baseboards :p