
New member
Somehow I keep ending up with the wrong version of TRS2006, it has the same TGV train on the box, but in red instead of the ligther blueish shades of our Australian Version of TRS, and has a UK flag on the back of it... I would have thought all copies of TRS were the same, and run as well as the Australian Version, but I have gone through two copies of it so far, the first one was damaged by a ring of mess around the outer rim, meaning that after three or four or half a dozen uses it was no good and had to be tossed out, the second one became damaged or corupted, and it had to tossed out.

Note that the UK version is called Railway Simulator and The Australian and American copy would be Railroad Simulator...

I tried to make a disk image of it so that I could use trainz without having to have the TRS 2006 disk in the drive to use it, like with the old TRS 2004, where you could use it without the disk in the drive, It seems to me that you can't with TRS 2006.

While I was making a backup copy of TRS 2006, Vista Really Crashed on me and sent the computer into repair mode, after which it came back to normal again, and I re-installed TRS again, and it failed to re-install half way through the install... Chances are, I may have a pirated version of TRS that I had bought from my local newsagency... One good thing about ordering your copy from Auran, is that you know you are going to get a genuine copy.

I wanted to make a disk image of TRS 20006, so that if I take my laptop away with me, I don't need to have the DVD copy... I can run it from the computer, and have something else in the DVD drive.

TRS2004 did run from your computer and there was no need to have the TRS disk in your drive to run it, what has happened with TRS 2006?...
If I can't make a disk image, I want to at least be able to make a back up copy to take with me if I go on holidays anad want to take the laptop with me.

If I can make a disk image, what directory in Windows do I put it, so that I can run TRS without having to have the TRS disk in the drive all the time?... There are freeware programs out there that enable you to make a disk image of things that you want to preserve on your hard drive so that you don't have to have the native disk in your drive, I have a back up/disk image facility on the Toshiba. I tried it once and put a disk image on there and I still had to put the TRS disk in to use TRS...How do I get around this annoying problem with TRS 2006?...:confused:
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in response to Mike 10, Yes I must... that is the big risk with buying the copies you see from a local store.... you just don't know where they are sourcing their copies from, they could be getting them from china, or out in some little country in the pacific ocean... if you asked them they wouldn't want to tell you.
Yes Mike 10.... I am leaving all copies of TRS 2006 on the shop shelf from now on and getting them from Auran...
When I bought the first one, I thought I was getting a good copy and was quite suprised to think my local newsagent had it...only to be disapponted, I gave it a second try, and disappointed Mk 2.... No More Newsagent Copes of TRS for me...Of course it is easy to be naive and find out later that you have not got the real McCoy...
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Bushymo, since you brought in Australia, go back to ther retailer and ask for a replacement. If it's faulty, or the incorrect game is in the box, . . . BUT

Bushymo, did you check the box BEFORE you brought it?
checking box

I was a bit surprised when I first saw it on the shelf and thought that it was rather odd that on could just walk into a shop and buy it, and I guess I thought it was a genuine copy I gave it the benefit of my doubt, took it home and installed it, but a few uses of it later I had to toss it out because of a dirty white edge had appeared around the outer rim and it would not even run... then thinking that maybe it might have just been the odd bad one, I bought a second copy of it when I bought my new laptop and for a whiile say a few uses or so I began to notice that there were a few faults... paintshed just seized up, and was missing some of its functions, one of which was whited out...

I did notice that even on my old computer with the first copy there were a few gaps in textures collection, and also noticed that a couple of the textures there had five or six squares of the same texture... this was when I began to supsect that this was not a real McCoy Auran...

Instead of the light blueish cover that all members of Trainz no doubt are very familiar with in the Auran Ship, this had and all red cover with a very similar TGV train on it, on the back it has a UK flag image at the top, has the UK distributor Just Trains down the bottom...I guessed I just had the UK version, but there is no UK version as such as I see in the Auran shop... there is only one TRS2006, and that has the usual cover that we all know... that light blue toned one... Aha!... I began to realize that I had been dudded... so I am not buying any more of them from that store...

I don't want to make myself unpopular with the store by suggesting that these are pirates or anything, or be banned from the store for dispusting the quality of their software, but in the past I have bought software progrems of other kinds there and have had to take them back...

I would prefer it if Auran could look into it for me, because no store apart from Auran should be openly stocking anything with the Auran name on it without one actually ordering it from Auran through the store in question... Usually if you ask your local store to contact Auran, they will and should order it for you ONLY From Auran... and that is what has caused me to come to the conclusion that these are not genuine Auran products... they do have the Auran brand on them and when you go to run the sim the Auran logo comes up as usual with Auran Software.

In future I will only get my Trainz software from Auran...

When I went to make a back up copy of this because it would not run on my computer without the disk in, it crashed my laptop and sent it through the repair process, after which you get the message "Your system has just recovered from a serious error', and it came back to normal after that...

That was another thing that caused me to supsect this software, becaus isn't Trainz supposed to run without you having to have the disk in the drive... TRS 2004 did I know because I used to have that too before going to TRS 2006...

Yes you still get the usual Auran serial number prompt and you get the Auran Serial number n the inside of the box, and one could be forgiven for believing that you have Auran TRS 2006... until you start using it and finding these little peculiarities, and it is onlyl then that you discver that you have been dudded...Uh Oh!...:eek:
...but a few uses of it later I had to toss it out because of a dirty white edge had appeared around the outer rim and it would not even run

Bushymo and others, a lot of shops that sell software claim that you can't take it back once opened - WRONG! -- If the software is found to be faulty, then shops (including direct from Auran) have an obligation to replace faulty (repair or refund if need be) items, INCLUDING software. Customers have certain rights in Australia BUT on the otherhand customers also have a responsibility to check & question items before you buy them. Bushymo, I would have probably questioned the shop, and ask why the may have got the UK version.

Instead of the light blueish cover that all members of Trainz no doubt are very familiar with in the Auran Ship, this had and all red cover with a very similar TGV train on it
Do I suspect that you knew what picture your local version carried, yet still brought it anyway?

I began to realize that I had been dudded... so I am not buying any more of them from that store...
But was it really the fault of the shop, perhaps it could have been the supplier?
The red cover with the TGV on the front is a legitimate version. TRS2006 is marketed by a number of distributors around the world. That one is by UK distributors JustTrains.

JustTrains decided they wanted the copy protection on the disk so it had to be in the drive all the time you used it.

I have no idea how it got into a shop so far away from home though.

Thanks Mike

Ah! Thanks Mike 10.. that clears that up...:) I noticed that it was a different version... I do want to be able to use the version of trainz that will let me use trainz without having to keep the disk in...

I was very surprised when I saw it, and I thought... it should be the same as the one we here in Australia are familiar with...

I can only suggest that our local newsagent knew a distributor in one of our capital cities who distributed this version... that has me a bit puzzled...

Anyway... I will go on and register this one at the Planet Auran... In future I will get the Australian version from Auran... I have a second laptop and I will get once for that one...

One thing I have found on this one is that when I go tu use paintshed, the whole thing locks up and I get a run time error..:(

this is the first chance I have had to register it online and hopefully paintshed will come to life after I have done that... if not... I dunno...

I took Skipmils advice on turning off the security control off in vista, and that has fixed that annoying problem in CMP that he was also having... but the question still begs to be answered... why should we have to do that to start with?...
well sounds a bit like me i need to explain.

i got trainz pre SP.3.

does it have interractive industries?i dont have any

Ok, which Trainz? (UTC, 2004) quoting the build number will help a lot!

Trainz 2004 should be patched to SP4 (the exact patch depends on your build number). IIRC, the interactive industries are part of 2004 (SP4)

painthed inoperative

I must also add to my conversation with Mike 10 that if I go to use Paintshed in it, all I get is the blue background that you normally see with paintshed but the controls are all greyed out, and one of the rectangles there is white...

You also end up getting a 'runtime error 365' could someone decode that gobbledegook... Call Bill Gates of Microsoft please unscramble that!...

However when you discover that it won't work, and click on that red
X' to close your program... it will not close!... it just locks up, stays there on your screen, you cannot go back into Trainz again... and the only way out of this trap.. is to just restart windows...

I am also noticing that some of the paintshed content that you have donwloaded either is just not available or cumes up with a thread exception error, which you can over-ride by clicking 'continue' but it very soon pops up again, if you go to 'drive' or blow the horns...

These are some of the things that are happneing with this version that I have described to Mike 10... My advice is...steer clear of this version of TRS 2006... you will be very disappointed with it if you, like myself happent end up with it quite unaware that it is 'not the full quid'

The old saying of Let the Boyer beware, does come into this, but then, how are these copies getting out there in the frist place... that is quite puzzling...

Never just Buy Trainz TRS 2006, but always buy it from Auran... You DO find out the hard way from experience... From Now On... I will only buy from Auran...
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Buying products in Australia

Buying products in Australia

First Bushymo, it seems you may have a faulty product. If you believe your Trainz version software is faulty (and you were not made aware of the fault at the time of purchase), if it's within the warranty period,(1) take it back to the shop and discuss the fault with them, as they have an obligation to correct any faulty product. Remember you brought it from that shop, so the contract is between you and the shop itself, NOT the manufacturer, nor Auran in this case. Only if you brought it direct from Auran would they be required to fix any faultly product be it software or not.

Second litlepetslinki, I don't think your version which is an old version came with interactive industries, but I could be wrong about that.

1 And don't forget in Australia, their is what is known as an "implied warranty", wether the item comes with a stated warranty period or not.
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