Austrailian power connector for Rail Driver


New member
Hope this is the proper place for this. Is the Austrailian power connector [would be a 'wallwart' here] for the Rail Driver compatable with US 120v duplex outlet? I tried to get an answer from the email link on the 20% off promotion on the last trainz newsletter but no answer so far and time is running out on the offer.
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Thanks Harry
I almost ordered a Rail Driver from Auran but discovered that it would have an Austrailian power connector.
It may have an Australian power plug but it accepts a standard 12VDC input which means that you could pick one up from your local electronics store very cheaply.

Australia uses 240V and a different plug. some items come with a multivoltage power supply that accepts from 100v up to 250v. The frequency is not usually an issue unless you are using something with a timer in it.

I regularly purchase items from the USA for use here in Australia. Some times all I need to do is change the power lead sometimes a new power supply is needed but it never costs more than a few dollars to change them over and usually what costs 20.00 here in Australia will be much cheaper in the US. (This applies only to electronic items. Power tools are another issue).


It may have an Australian power plug but it accepts a standard 12VDC input which means that you could pick one up from your local electronics store very cheaply.



You know, I wouldn't have thought about that mainly because I don't have a raildriver. Silly me...

Replacement 12v supplies should be easy to get hold of. make sure, however, that it can supply enough amps to power the raildriver.

