ATLS Crossings and saved sessions


Well-known member
I've used the ATLS crossing system extensively in my route, and love how it works, though I've noticed one problem, and haven't been able to fix it. I've looked through the tutorials as well, but didn't notice anything.

Here's the problem I've noticed (I'm sure it's operator error, but I'm not sure how to fix it)

Start a session, and everything is fine. Train goes through a crossing, activates it, and once passed, the gates rise as intended. Everything good. Now, if we save and exit the session, then reload the saved session, the crossing we just went through will be engaged (gates down, and vehicular traffic stopped). If I take train a through that crossing again, it will cause gates to rise once passed, and everything is back to normal. But again, if I do the save and exit, then reload saved session, that crossing (and any other that has been traversed by a train) will once again be engaged.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Neil,

Try setting up the ATLS crossing while editing the route in Surveyor and not in the session. This will ensure they work across all sessions. I never had an issue with them not working on resume, so that's why I'm suggesting this.


Is it possible that you have the crossing, say too close to a station, or too close to the trigger, which can cause your problem? If the train is set for immediate departure it's possible ATLS is not ready for it. 2 things to try, Pause the game, select the train and wait for picture to build or delay train for 10sec or so.
Thanks for the suggestions! I did set up the crossings in Surveyor, so that shouldn't be the issue. I've tried setting up the crossings on a test map with no stations, and the triggers are set up just like in the tutorials. And the same problem still exists. I've used all the latest versions of the assets, as well. I'm using different traffic stoppers - not the ATLS ones. I wonder if that would have made a difference.

Anyway, it's not the end of the world, but just an annoyance.