ATI 2900xt 512MB info


gettin bored of trainz
ok so im planning to buy a new video card and it might be the ATI 2900xt 512MB and is this video card work with trainz and is friendly with trainz?
does it also work on openGL mode?
is it friendly with Trainz: Yes
Is it a good buy: No

The ATI HD 2900XT is a notoriously hot card. Core temps run well above 70C 24/7. If you want a new video card go for an HD3850 or HD3870
ATI will also be releasing the HD3950, HD4850, and HD4870 within the comming months.

Asfor OpenGL mode: ATI has never done that well with OGL. They will work, but you'll see better performance running Trainz in Direct X mode.