Are Triggers part of a route, or part of a session.

I am putting the finishing touches on a route of mine. I also plan on releasing sessions to go with the route. Are triggers saved with the route, or with the session?
Do I need to anticipate their locations before I release the route?
In TRS2004 triggers, trackmarks, speedboards, signals, etc can be different in each individual scenario based on the same route. That information and more is held in the TSO (TrackSide Object) file for each scenario.

Sorry, I don't know if the same concept applies with sessions or in TRS2006, quite possibly not, or perhaps implemented by a very different mechanism.

My understanding is that the trigger's location and name is saved to the route (don't know about trigger radius). Rules and object settings are always saved to the session.

Easy way to find out is to place some triggers, save session and route, and then re-load only the route into surveyor.
