Archive of content from Trainz Pro Routes?


New member
While revisiting some older versions of Trainz, specifically TS09 and TS10, I decided to look through older routes from that time to run. However, a good chunk of them require dependencies that used to be on the website Trainz Pro Routes which, to my knowledge, shut down in 2019.
As such, I'd like to know if there is any archive available with the content that used to be present on that site or if someone here happens to still have everything from over there downloaded. Either way, that would be an immense help and greatly appreciated.
Content from the TPR site is still copyrighted by the creators and therefore can't be shared without their permission. Several of them are active in this community and have uploaded stuff to the DLS over the years. Search on the DLS for the user jkeenan and you will find many of the TPR items legally.

Trainz Pro Routes required a valid Trainz account to login in. This was to prevent people using pirated versions of Trainz from having access to their content.
Everybody knows copyrights and intelectual property laws and there is really no need to cuckoo it every time when someone asks for help. According to the previous inutile annoying nagging useless ever-reccuring post all the wayback is illegal pirating company then.
Thanks for reminding me.

In the list of violations of the Code of Conduct is:

15. Giving, discussing, requesting, or linking to information that is either directly or indirectly related to obtaining pirated or unauthorised copyrighted materials, unauthorised access to secure sites or circumvention of digital rights management.

And as per the MyTrainz Agreement,
(g) A breach of the Code of Conduct is a breach of this Agreement.

I strongly suggest that everyone take the time to read and understand the MyTrainz Agreement. It is a legally binding agreement that governs how you can use the services offered by N3V Games and the actions that N3V Games can take if you breach the agreement.
