Anyone know a good model of the T&P 610?


yes thats my name
Anyone know a good model of the T&P 610? I want a friend to re-skin the engine to the AFT (T&P) 610. If someone does know a good model with great graphics or something please let me know so a friend can re-skin it for me. I know there is a C&O 2-10-4 but I do not know how to get it to work. I am going to need some help with having a single number and content creation. Please private message me or something.
What does it look like? A picture really helps in this case since there could be something on the DLS which can be reskinned.

I won't volunteer to do any reskinning since that's out of my ability.
Colorado71 has a model of T&P 610 but it's payware but his are pretty cheap for a great looking engine there for about $6.00 I believe.
about $6.00 I believe.
that costs a 100 dollars!
Please do explain how 6 dollar and 100 dollar are the same thing.

Stealing from dads wallet
The fact that you are either considering or doing that means you are playing the wrong hobby or are about to make a lot of bad choices in life.

If you don't have the money or are not willing to pay for the asset (with your own money), either build it yourself (the tools have been linked by Chris earlier) or move on. I am sure there are hundreds of assets out there for free that can also give you join in this hobby.