Any recommendations for underground railcars


New member
I've looking for some short, preferably non US railcars to use on my ficticious subway systems. Can anyone recommend anything? Preferably from the last decade, passenger enabled, animated doors? My non-train background is causing a problem in knowing what to search for on the DLS.

I'm using the UGleisStorm and UTurnG10L rail which looks like it has a third rail.

TRS2006 user
How about London Underground stock? I don't know much about the LU, but it is fourth-rail, and you need to look for "Andi06" on the DLS. It looks quite decorative at the side of a mainline railway, to admire as you pass by. Also take a look for Tempest, who has released two former LU cars that no longer run underground, but could be used with a little imagination.

For 4th-rail track, go to Bloodnok's website -

There is other stuff out there, but I couldn't tell you about it really - I don't know enough about the underground systems of the world.

I've looking for some short, preferably non US railcars to use on my ficticious subway systems. Can anyone recommend anything? Preferably from the last decade, passenger enabled, animated doors? My non-train background is causing a problem in knowing what to search for on the DLS.

I'm using the UGleisStorm and UTurnG10L rail which looks like it has a third rail.

TRS2006 user

How about using something like the Class 158's? They look a lot like subway cars, and even run on a 3rd rail system.

Thanks for the suggestions

Thanks John, I'll have a look at 158s tonight. I got hold of Andi06's MetroUnderground wagons which are really nice but are missing two assets. I was going to find out if they were hiding on the DLS or if I could strip them out of a cloned version but I'll have a look at the 158s first.

If you don't mind driving swedish stock I'll recommend the new C20. SVoyager have built the most incredeble model of this subwaycar. I think it has most of what you are looking for. Opening doors, passengersupport, a realistic cab and so on. They run in units of three.

Just do a search for C20 or SVoyager on DLS and you should find them.
Hope this is of any help .... Mats


Now a problem with the C20

I downloaded the cdp pack from SVoyager's site and everything looks like its there but the railcars aren't showing up - either in surveyer or the railshed.


I downloaded the cdp pack from SVoyager's site and everything looks like its there but the railcars aren't showing up - either in surveyer or the railshed.



I guess that something is missing.
Try to download and install the rule "Change Destination Sign" (kuid2:206816:99003:1) and see if it helps.
You can also check for missing dependencies with CMP.

All the best .... Mats
I was missing one of the packs

Thanks MatSh - I'd already located the problem. SVoyager was making the railcars available in 3 packs and I only had 2 of them - its not something that I was expecting as the 1st of the three packs was 16 Meg by itself - and DLS isn't configured to show the packs.

Thanks MatSh - I'd already located the problem. SVoyager was making the railcars available in 3 packs and I only had 2 of them - its not something that I was expecting as the 1st of the three packs was 16 Meg by itself - and DLS isn't configured to show the packs.


I'm glad that you got it sorted. I think it's a really great train. :)
And yes, it's a huge download. I have it in a single 50 Meg cdp-file. :eek:

Cheers .... Mats
If you don't mind driving swedish stock I'll recommend the new C20. SVoyager have built the most incredeble model of this subwaycar. I think it has most of what you are looking for. Opening doors, passengersupport, a realistic cab and so on. They run in units of three.

Just do a search for C20 or SVoyager on DLS and you should find them.
Hope this is of any help .... Mats



That's a nice looking car there ... ths for the info!!
