Poor & Needy
I'm curious to know if any of the very talented Trainz modelers out there have any interest in putting together an N&W route. If a group of these folks pooled their abilities for the sole purpose of builidng this, it could be one of the best routes ever made for Trainz. There would be no need to form a permanent group, but a "limited" group could succeed by relying on contributions from talented individuals and members of existing groups. It would also offer the Trainz community several things:
1. more steam
2. diverse but manageable - and enjoyable - operations comprised of both switching ops and mainline running, including both freight and passenger schedules. Even shop moves.
3. beautiful scenery
4. a cohesive, "self-contained" environment. By that I mean that the end result would achieve a unique and seamless feel by having all contributors working toward the same goal - rather than forcing the representation of a given railroad through an assemblage of disparate models and scenery drawn from freeware, payware, DLS, non-DLS, etc. etc. etc.
The seamlessness could be achieved, in part at least, by having high quality models of N&W steam engines, roundhouses, shops, stations, signals, freight and passenger equipment, etc. It could be further achieved by focusing on a specific division or portion of a division, and still further achieved by focusing on a specific time frame.
5. the possibility of providing a platform for a true multi-player platform (as in virtual dispatchers, yardmasters, crews, managers, as far as you want to take it, rather than just AI and portals) if Auran were to support and assist such a third-party effort and direct it as far as getting it to meet their technical ability to provide multiplayer. Multiplayer Trainz has been discussed at length before and I can't possibly recount all of it here, so I hope it'll suffice to say that I think this project could lend itself well to multiplayer - if that option becomes available.
6. This would be an effort with "dedicated" map, content, rolling stock, etc. - with permissions and licenses and distribution and use restrictions being part and parcel of the same body. Achieve that by distributing it through Auran as a Trainz Classic. Auran would get sales. Contributors would get good exposure plus that "incentive" that was mentioned with the announcement of Trainz Classics. Everybody wins.
I'd personally love to build the terrain for a 1950s-era N&W division - especially Radford, Shenandoah, or - perhaps even better - the stretch of N&W from Radford to Roanoke, which carried both Radford and Pocahontas Division trains. Heavy coal trains, empty hopper runs, merchandise freights, legendary passenger trains, and all classes of N&W motive power and rolling stock.
Anyhow - I think it'd be fun!
1. more steam
2. diverse but manageable - and enjoyable - operations comprised of both switching ops and mainline running, including both freight and passenger schedules. Even shop moves.
3. beautiful scenery
4. a cohesive, "self-contained" environment. By that I mean that the end result would achieve a unique and seamless feel by having all contributors working toward the same goal - rather than forcing the representation of a given railroad through an assemblage of disparate models and scenery drawn from freeware, payware, DLS, non-DLS, etc. etc. etc.
The seamlessness could be achieved, in part at least, by having high quality models of N&W steam engines, roundhouses, shops, stations, signals, freight and passenger equipment, etc. It could be further achieved by focusing on a specific division or portion of a division, and still further achieved by focusing on a specific time frame.
5. the possibility of providing a platform for a true multi-player platform (as in virtual dispatchers, yardmasters, crews, managers, as far as you want to take it, rather than just AI and portals) if Auran were to support and assist such a third-party effort and direct it as far as getting it to meet their technical ability to provide multiplayer. Multiplayer Trainz has been discussed at length before and I can't possibly recount all of it here, so I hope it'll suffice to say that I think this project could lend itself well to multiplayer - if that option becomes available.
6. This would be an effort with "dedicated" map, content, rolling stock, etc. - with permissions and licenses and distribution and use restrictions being part and parcel of the same body. Achieve that by distributing it through Auran as a Trainz Classic. Auran would get sales. Contributors would get good exposure plus that "incentive" that was mentioned with the announcement of Trainz Classics. Everybody wins.
I'd personally love to build the terrain for a 1950s-era N&W division - especially Radford, Shenandoah, or - perhaps even better - the stretch of N&W from Radford to Roanoke, which carried both Radford and Pocahontas Division trains. Heavy coal trains, empty hopper runs, merchandise freights, legendary passenger trains, and all classes of N&W motive power and rolling stock.
Anyhow - I think it'd be fun!