Any ATSF fans miss the Santa Fe so much?


reskinner/hornsound maker
Is there any ATSF fans who really misses the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway?:confused: I really miss it. I never got to see it at all because I was young in 1995.:( :'(

Yes, I can remember the ATSF running behind my Los Angeles-area backyard as far back as 1970 (when I was 5).

Then, years later I got to work for BNSF in areas spanning Southwestern parts of the TransCon that were originally Atlantic & Pacific; ATSF's predecesor.

I do miss it...
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i really miss it because I WASNT ALIVE WHEN STUPIDNORTHERN TOOK OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
i really miss it because I WASNT ALIVE WHEN STUPIDNORTHERN TOOK OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

The best thing for you and all ATSF fans to do is call the US Railway Department and tell them all the bad stuff BNSF does and they'll delete BNSF and that would make the ATSF come back home.

Yea I miss all of the excitement on the Tehachapi loop when ATSF was around. Break down after breakdown and at least one derailment a month. And owe the smoking units pulling the hill, they looked like steam engines and then having to cut them out, as they were draining the rest of the train of power and then they would sit at the loop and wait on help from another train. Yea those were the days.
The best thing for you and all ATSF fans to do is call the US Railway Department and tell them all the bad stuff BNSF does and they'll delete BNSF and that would make the ATSF come back home.

You're kidding right? :o Crap like this is why I want to pull pins at this place. That post is absolutely absurd and would never happen. BNSF has the best marks in every aspect of the class 1 railroads besides in safety. NS has that...

Onto other things, I think its time to grow up. Don't use the damn I'm only 12 excuse... You can still be mature and intelligent in your posts!

Steve :n:
The best thing for you and all ATSF fans to do is call the US Railway Department and tell them all the bad stuff BNSF does and they'll delete BNSF and that would make the ATSF come back home.


You're kidding me, right? :confused: :o
I do miss the ATSF, but there is no cause to complain about the BNSF. I have quite a few things (and still are getting more! :D) for Trainz from the BNSF, and what I have so far does NOT make me complain. It's about time people quit complaining about the BNSF.

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I saw plenty of the old silver-and-reds and blue-and-yellows growing up, and I do have to say that the colors were perfect; not too complex like BNSF. HOWEVER, when it comes to efficiency, reliability, and service, BNSF is a million times better. Sure, the old colors will be missed, but what would you prefer? A hot Lamborghini that breaks its drive-shaft every few hundred feet or a Honda Civic that could go across the United States a thousand times without even needing an oil tuneup (exaggeration used on both, but you get my drift).
The best thing for you and all ATSF fans to do is call the US Railway Department and tell them all the bad stuff BNSF does and they'll delete BNSF and that would make the ATSF come back home.


Sorry, but I have to agree with BNSF50*, 007007, and freightcar2. The ATSF ain't coming back. It was nice while it lasted, but BNSF has brought about change for the better.

Plus, Omaha Orange and Pullman Green were a major plus to this then-new railroad (too bad they changed the logo, but that's for another thread. :p).

*The almost-irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. ;)

btw, this is why there are museums, to preserve the past of railroading. They and Pentrex videos are your best bet.
They do still run a few blue and yellow ATSF units as helpers around this area, between Bakersfield and Barstow.
I miss both BN and ATSF. They were my two favorite companies. Freaking UP making it so that they would pretty much have to merge or die. I miss the warbonnets. At least BNSF doesn't look that bad compared to other things. Actually, I miss the BNSF, lol. My parents got a divorce and moved from CO to PA in 1998 so i didnt get to see a BNSF until i visited Montana in 06. I was glad to see a few engines still hadn't been painted yet. I am getting kinda sick of only seeing NS and R&N stuff, though both the companies do look nice they arent as nice as BNSF.
BN Burlington Northern
BNSF Burlington Northern SantaFe

Burlington Northern

BNSF... er i mean (noone died in the crash btw)
Why? just wondering. I love both them and ATSF, ATSF more though, because when i lived in Colorado Springs, I would go down to a huge park that ran parallel to the tracks and watch the long coal trains bringing coal between the mines in Wyoming and the power plant. All the locomotives were either BN, ATSF or SP with a few UP mixed in. That was around the time of the merger. The only BNSF engines that I saw were out in the country side. They were mainly large fat heads(i think that fat heads are ugly compared to Geeps and SDs, or of course the good old fashion CF7s).
yeah.......... someone call the @#$%^& railway department and do something about it! even though i like BNSF i wasn't even alive when ATSF ruled the rails
I miss some ATSF characteristics, but as far as I'm concerned, the Santa Fe isn't even gone! It's just under a different banner! And about time too, in my opinion!:cool:
We all miss ATSF, but really, come on. BNSF is giving Union Pacific more compition than ATSF ever could. Union Pacific got CNW and others, so Burlington Northern and Santa Fe had to answer the call. Just like Norfolk and Western and Southern did when Family Lines merged with Chessie System. Business is business, it always will be that way. They do not care about what railfans think, they shouldn't either. I was peaved when Canadian National took over Illinois Central, but honestly it happened. I think IC could have merged with WC or KCS, but knowing the IC, money probably wasn't there.

Please Gentlemen, don't be children!