Yet another class of train is imported to the country that invented railways (yes I know that's not quite correct!). Why can't we make our own?
Oh and it's another multiple unit, why can't we build a couple of hundred black fives?:'(
Technology and progress.
There are several advantages and several disadvantages for muliple units and Locos and HS. One of the biggest disadvantages for LHS vs MUs is the turn around time, it takes something like 3 times longer to turn a train with hauled stock, than a MU and on a high speed line, to allow the loco to operate correctly, the ends need to be streamlined.
Haul some standard flat ended stock and your coeffficent/air resistance/whatever goes sky high. Really, do you want slow rolling stock mixing with high speed rolling stock, that has the capability of attaining 200mph?
Unfortuately, these days, railways have to make money, lots of the greens and the UK hasn't had a rosey past with their manufacturing. Look at what happened in the late 70s and throughout the 80s. Look at what happened to British Leyland (I know, loosely liked with trains!) and to be honest, all this is due to power crazed people in our own country, fighting for causes that don't make sense.
(Strikes anyone?)
After that, look at the quality vs. price of British made goods, a good example is the Class 458s and they came from (IIRC) the same plant as the Metro-Cammel DMUs, only 40 years earlier.
Yes, there are successes in British Manufacuring, yes there are a lot of failures, but its upto the British people to change the society we live in, not one about greed and money, not one about striking because you cannot settle for anything less and not one thats is about low quality goods.
On the other hand, that sort of statment could be considered too late anyway, since there is only one railway specialist in the UK that is capabile of producing heavy rail rolling stock and thats at Derby. Starting a rail manufacture like Derby will cost billions and you need to ensure you are going to get your monies worth, otherwise, it can't happen (2 reasons that my ideas of a brand new rail line, to serve the coast and Midhurst, would never happen.). To be honest, with the way things are, we are probably in an irreversable state.
One thing I did forget to mention, is the efficency that steamers have, theres another thread discussing this.
As for the EMU, I'll look forward to trying out this piece of japanese plastic, to see if it atually is as good as they say, or ranks as low as the Electrostar and Desiros (TBH, I am not really that much against the Desiros, its the way the management are slapping them onto unsuitable services with unsutiable seating).
For anyone wondering, yes, I've already had a request by the forum user "395Atrain", to actually create one for him. Trouble is, chocobock requests, little reference images and very limited public exposure doesn't help.