Dynamic braking, in case you aren't aware, is when the DC/AC traction motors normally used to DRIVE a locomotive are used in reverse (not rotation just purpose) to slow down a locomotive. This actually produces electricity, which while usually exhausted as heat, can be used for something.
Unfortunately there's just not any way to be truely fuel efficient. Read the scientific articles around. Nothing is as efficient as petroleum based fuels.
Hydrogen power: Great only exhausts drinkable water. Only one problem the energy needed to produce the hydrogen in a given situation is somewhere in the ballpark of 10 (TEN) times that of what it takes to produce the same amount of petroleum. So to burn hydrogen I need to burn 10 times the amount of petroleum (and I'm not keen on riding around in what basically amounts to a Hydrogen bomb).
Bio-Diesel: Great stuff, really it is. BUT here's the problem with it. Bio-diesel needs to be kept at a high temperature to function. The only way to do this (say with a car) is to warm it up with, you guessed it petroleum based diesel. So that's 2 fuel tanks, twice as much weight, 1/2 the storage space. Do the math, but it's pretty obvious.
E-85 (aka Corn). Good clean stuff, but two problems arise with ethanol. First, it's not that efficient, it's cheaper but doesn't burn that well in terms of power, in the end it ends up being less efficient (to a degree). The second problem comes from availability. Corn is readily available (at least now), but two more problems have appeared in that area. First the price for corn has gone up considerably because of supply and demand. Second there's less corn for any number of other products (including as a food source). So at the end of the day it's not worth the hassle. And in terms of a car, except for recent cars, older ones will require a complete rebuild or a brand new engine.
In the end, it's more efficient and cheaper to burn petroleum based fuels, it's a fact. What can be done though, is cleaning up those emissions, not vain searching for an un-obtainable replacement.
As for complete electrification, so where's the power for those lines going to come from? If a coal burning plant is built to supply those needs, we're right back to square one. On the other hand a nuclear plant would be great, except there's no chance of that happening, so still stuck at square one.
Cookiemae: No SPORBUST is making the ES44AC GEVO, don't know if he's planning on the ES44HAC or ES44DC GEVO's