animation config


New member
hi new to animation, have created a object with gmax that as animation, have exported to trs2004 both as .im and .kin, have referenced kin in config file but still doesnt work :mad: all static parts are attached to b.r.main all animated parts are attached to b.r.axel(axel attached to main)can anyone send me a basic config file for trs2004 with animation or even point me to a good basic animated item that i can play worth to to see where my errors are :D
Check out any of the bogies or wagon underframes on the DLS under my username, they are all animated.


As for a config.txt file, if you are using 2004, all that is required for animation is the reference to animdist which sets the distance traveled for 30 frames of animation.

When you animated the item in gmax, did you animate the actual item or the dummy? This is the point that had me totally frustrated for the longest time as I was animating my axle rather than the b.r.axle# dummy. Also, to get the side frames and other compenents of my bogeys to show up I had to link them to b.r.main also.

Here is a clip from one of my bogey config.txt files:

kuid <kuid2:133655:50105:1>
kind bogey
rem "31in diameter wheels, spacing 5ft 8in"
animdist 2.5
mesh ""
auto-create 1
asset-filename "a2m pilot bogey"
username "a2m pilot bogey"
description "Pilot Bogey for CPR A2M class 4-4-0"
trainz-build 2
category-class "ZB"
category-region-0 "CA"
category-era-0 "1910s"
category-era-1 "1920s"
category-era-2 "1930s"
category-era-3 "1940s"
category-era-4 "1950s"

Hope this helps,
