

New member
dose any know how to fix this problim as i have found this to be one of the biggest problims with alot of assets
(unable to load animation file / anim.kin (no resource)) if anyone can help please do

thank you fairmont
Worth checking the name of the animation files against those listed in the KUID config file to make sure they're the same.
I've had many of these and the asset kind has always been kind mocrossing which expects an anim.kin file. The way I've always fixed them is to open them in CMP for Edit - Edit in Content Creator Plus, then save it. This action creates a new config.txt file which matches the requirements for kind mocrossing, however the config.txt file will now have a line in the mesh-table container for an anim.kin file. I then open the config.txt file for Edit in Explorer and delete the anim.kin line, save and commit.
