An idea-Custom Conversations?


Trainz Bum for now

While driving a train this afternoon, I had this awsome idea and was wondering if at all it could be done.
I got thinking, the atmosphere in the game while driving is sometimes to 'quite'. No I dont mean that I am having sound issuse, but rather ambiant raido chatter. I know that there are contents out there that have been made for this, but in most instances, the chatter is, well not relevent. Content such as the HBD kit from JJS (I dont remember who made them)
makes traveling down the mainline more atmosphereic.
Now that that is out of the way, here's my idea, and was wondering how hard this couuld be done.

Having the dispatcher talk to other trains, including your train, that YOU specify on your route. Sometime's the railroad is a busy place on the radio and there are no other means of communication.

I belive it was back when I had 2004 with the 'living railway' that at certain times the raido would que and 'Control' would talk to your train. Could it be possable to type what words you want exactly in a program such as in the 'living railway'?

I belive I am off on this but I belive it could be done. I mean if there were sessions then, then why not have custom conversations now.

Best regards
Mike S.
Sounds like a very cool idea. I feel it is very quiet when driving so I have not drivin for a long time. Money wasted on a RailDriver.:o :(

That would be interesting but it would, going into unknown territory here, have to have a lot of scripting done to make it work and have options to what they say.

If certain triggers were made that would actaully signal the chatter to turn on and go through a cycle that could be changed or different every trigger point. There for the conservation would actually seem to progress and not repeat itself over and over.

And the radio in one cab would be triggered if a different train ran over a different trigger but was a different message for a different train. There for if you are in a loco shunting in a yard you would over hear from the radio that a passenger or other train is running through so you can stay out of the way or change your path.

Also you know that there are differenet frequencys in a radio and yards and areas of railroads use different frequencys. That way if you are in one yard you dont hear a conversation from the yard at the other side of the route. This means the trigger(s) or rule made would be able to select a series of frequencys. There for if you enter a different area you know.

Railroads also use repeaters. Every fifteen minutes or so it gives its call in morse code if not used. This would also be neat.

Does this make sense?

I will watch this carefully. I am behind this fully. :wave: :D

i hate to say this because fsx is by Microsoft and they make Railsim:o, but what if like flight simulator x,you say something from a list of options and the dispatcher will say something back(just a thought:confused:),or the other way around.;)
i hate to say this because fsx is by Microsoft and they make Railsim:o, but what if like flight simulator x,you say something from a list of options and the dispatcher will say something back(just a thought:confused:),or the other way around.;)

Ummm no. RailSim is made by EA & Kuju not MS. MS makes Train Sim (commonly MSTS). MSTS1 was developed by Kuju. MSTS2 will supposibly use the FSX engine (who wants to bet it'll be called MSTSX :P )

Not the only one who...


I'm glad to see I'm not the only nut in the house with this crazy idea. You know when you've got miles of trainzin to travel, you tend to think about some 'in game improvements' :hehe: :p

best regards:wave:
Mike S.
I don't do a lot of driving, mostly building<g>, but the radio chatter sounds like a great idea!
I have never played with scripting in Trainz. Does it use any common language, like VB?

I would think that if you have enough triggers and trains, and the audio files, you could do something with scripting. It does sound like a very involving project; One for someone who really knows Trainz scripting!
