An ARN idea

I reskinned a JR GN F7A into an under skin that I can use anywhere. I want to change the ARN, could I just drop a whole new ARN folder from a different loco? I am going to try it now, will tell you what happens. EDIT: It worked, but will need some modification. I used the numbers from an F40PH on a JR F7A.
[/IMG] Just need to change the range of numbers...
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Of the ARN library or the loco? Didn't see anything but will look again.
EDIT: Was it under "extensions" and was it Number-high and number-low?
I got it to an OK place, there is a little space between the numbers because there was a dash that I removed, is there a way to fix this?
2ND EDIT: I couldn't change the ARN as this uses an ARN library, so I couldn't find where to change it.
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