Amusement park coaster builders


Slave to my route
Hello all, as work continues on my L&A route I am coming into Coney Island and need some advise and tips setting up an amusement park. I built one in a small town in Kentucky, but now I am running into a real world place. Although I can't recreate Coney Island in all its glory I would like and nice simulation for both the trains and river boat to stop and drop off people for a day of fun.

As you see below are the early pictures of the real Shooting Star and just some rides thrown in just to have them to be placed later. What I want is some constructive criticisms and tips on helping on make the Shooting Star look its best. You will also see a model as reference.

Sorry for the unfinished boards.

As someone who has an interest in roller coasters, I'd suggest that you take a look at YouTube channels that are about roller coasters, as they usually have videos of a ride on a roller coaster. It would provide you some ideas on different roller coasters you can make. The simplest roller coaster to create in Trainz is an 'out-and-back', which is the roller coaster you've made. Then again, if you want to see how complex you can make a roller coaster in Trainz, how about trying out Coney Island's iconic Cyclone?

I know it really isn't much but the part where the tracks pass trough the supports really bothers me. :p Although I can't see it properly so good work!