Bah, Humbug. SKREW csx and add a dash of LV in there mate! you know the line was not too far south of rochester. and heres a tidbit for ya grogstop, if you have ever been to the Dineasur BBQ over on state street in downtown Rochacha, and see LEHIGH VALLEY underneath one of the buildings, well, that was the original LV station for rochacha. Behind the Dineasur, there were 3 tracks. 2 that were platformed, and one that lead to a rail shipping agency. But the track abutements have been long removed.
Heres another tid bit for yah. I know Rochester Yards Yardmaster Personally. When ever i am with my former babysitter, she'll take me to the yards. I am allowed in the control tower, i watch for oncoming trains, etc. But great. heres a small funny story for you.
I was at the yards one day when they had an Ex. Conrail GP-38 doing switching when it was shunting 2 lone grain cars into a train. Since the brakeman wasn't riding the cars, and the yard is basically set on a 1.6% grade, the cars began to roll to the other end without stopping. the yard goat had to go after them it was funny to see that small GP play cat and dog with those two engines.