American Cruise Lines Proposed Fictional Content


New member
I have a proposal for a Fictional Line of Content Based on the Popular "American Cruise Lines" Company, only this time it has to do with my Dome Cars, I have made a Super dome with that basis, but I am probably going to change it to "American Explorer" to avoid Copyright for now. I have placed a Video of the completed works here.
my proposal is that someone can reskin their rocky mountaineer cars to match and make that a free DLC or Paid DLC add on, so anyone that owns the rights to the content can do that, or make a totally new model by taking David Snow's Bi Level Car and remaking that into a custom ultra dome in Blender.
As far as I'm aware, at the moment reskinning the RMN cars is not possible by anyone except the creator of them, as the texture files are encrypted by N3V.
All I see is "Video Unavailable"? EDIT: Oops, so it is watchable on YouTube, duh. I like the cars. It would be great to have a set, but yes, they may be hard to come by. I wish Amtrak would use some like that.