Hi Steve
I assume you are using the Interlocking Tower for AI trains. If so, set the paths up in the IT but use the IT SetPath driver command by pguy (on the DLS) in the trains schedule to set the path. There can be a number of paths leading from the same signal and they all work without issue (this is using the latest hotfix which has removed some bugs from the script). I have an IT set up for King's Cross on the ECML and there are paths to platforms 1 to 13 all starting with the same signal on the up main which all work without issue. It is necessary to add some invisible signals to some of the platforms to help with releasing the paths when using long trains.
As Shane has pointed out there are issues with some rules and driver commands in T:ANE which can make session creation difficult but, as stated above, just about everything works in TS12. I tend to use both at the moment, T:ANE when I want a challenge and TS12 when I need some relaxation.
I've sent you a PM.