AI Shunting


New member
I've noticed when the AI drops off a load of rolling stock in a siding, it leaves them as close as possible to the switch.

is there a trick to getting the AI to go to the end of the track?
put a 'wait for' command in before the uncouplez command otherwise you'll have a crash. gives the stock time to come to a halt.

I've tried putting the track marker on a spine at the very end of the siding line, but the AI still drops the cars off close to the switch as possible.
move the track mark back until it uncouples where you want it to.

Doesn't seem to work for me, unless I'm missing something.

The track mark is at the very end of the line, as far as it will go. I'll post pics of the surveyor view when I get home.
Place a red trackmark next to the buffers and give it a name e.g. "O'Neills Siding" then tell the AI Driver to drive to the Trackmark and leave the Train there.
put the trackmark at least 100 feet from the switch, set the radius to 1 and as previously stated put a "Wait for 10 seconds" before uncouple command.
Newbie question, what does "set the radius to 1" mean.

Triggers and some other trackmarks have a radius as to when they detect traffic. I believe the default is 20, this radius can be adjusted in Surveyor down to as low as 1, allowing the traffic to be much closer prior to the trigger 'activating'.

Triggers and some other trackmarks have a radius as to when they detect traffic. I believe the default is 20, this radius can be adjusted in Surveyor down to as low as 1, allowing the traffic to be much closer prior to the trigger 'activating'.


Thanks, setting radius to 1 worked perfectly.