Adventures of Scott & Friends - ep.1 is here!


Trainz videographer
This was a Trainz series I had announced almost a year ago and it kept being put on hold. Well, now the first ep. is finally finished!

This was my first plot-based video made in WMM. there are a few mistakes in there, but I think it's pretty good.

Tell me if you like it. I have big plans for this series.
Excellent stuff! I enjoyed this very much. You must have put a lot of hard work into that episode, it was very original and entertaining.

The only downside is that occasionally I couldn't understand what the voices were saying because the music was a bit loud. If you could tone it down when the narrator and voice actors are talking then it would be even better.

Well done! That has to be the most original Trainz video I have seen.
Best wishes,
I'm afraid I gave up watching after a minute or so as the music was just too intrusive. Good intro music but not a good choice if you have a voice in the mix. :(

I think you did a fantastic job other then the music, it was way too loud and detracted from everything else. Music should be in the background and subtle if you're goning to use it, IMHO.

Looking forward to another one, though.

I figured that if anyone had a problem with it, it would be the music. This is my first time making a video like this in Windows Movie Maker, but I'm getting better. Glad you liked it, though.
love it

I think i know were you got those Union Pacific locos (The ones who were talking about the demensons(im 8 so its hard to spell some words))at west coast trainz.

Fav parts:When the model 40 i think(The yellow cabooselike engine thats small)says: Oh i think i see a train over the HILLAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

And when the two Union pacific locos talking about the demensons(Sounds like the actual word)see the rocket sled and one of them says "Ah i see your reason-WHOA LOOK OUT!!!"

Cant wait till ep. 2