Add Train at Trackmark


New member
Hi all
Can anyone tell me where I can get an 'Add Train at Trackmark' rule for AI.
At present I am using portals but have found that each time a train goes through a portal the engine # changes eg:-
VR K class becomes VR K class 1, then VR K class 2 etc and if a train is waiting in a siding for a trigger it will only trigger by VR K class it can only be triggered by the original engine.
I am trying to set up a layout based on one country station in the wheat area back in the steam days and have an empty wheat train running on the down which is switched into No. 2 siding to cross a double header loaded wheat train on the up. The up train,when it is clear triggers the down train to continue from the siding.
Both trains run into portals at either end and are then spat out at the beginning to start over again. BUT this time they have DIFFERENT numbers and the triggers don't work.
I know I could use BE TRIGGERED BY ANY TRAIN but there are other trains running also, Up and Down Wheat trains, Pick Up Goods and a Railmotor.
Hope I have made it plain enough.
Works ok with SCS2006 !!
Any ideas please?
Merry Xmas to all Trainzers
Norm (locoone)
Norm why use triggers?

The AI will start the train from the siding as soon as the thru train clears the junction, all it needs is appropriate 'drive via' and/or 'drive to' commands...

Andy :)
You could also use the post message and wait for post message and clear. This does not rely on the train number. just place it as a command in the drivers commands list.
Hi Andy
Thanks for your input. I use triggers as experience has shown me that I only need one train to get out of time using the "drive to and drive via" on there own and all hell breaks loose
I use the 'drive to/ via' of course to direct each train where to go and then triggers to keep the timing right.
I have found that scenarios that I have downloaded which rely on timing for crosses etc very seldom work first up mainly because of different computer set ups.
All the best for 2008
Thanks for the idea. I will keep it in mind. I have now found a portal which works the way I want it to.
All the best for 2008
Hi Norm

Which portal did you use to overcome your problems?
I have had the same problem with locos coming out of portals changing numbers but have generally overcome it by selective placing of the triggers.

I could use a portal that doesn't change the loco numbers.

Sorry Bill
Only thought I had found one. On testing found I had the same trouble.
The only way I can see around it at present is to use "ANY TRAIN" triggers and multiple "WAIT FOR TRIGGER" with a time space in between to prevent a miss fire.