Add a Train To The Railyard Without Using The DLS?


New member
Ok. So. I heard theres another way to add a train to the railyard without using th DLS. I have a train with all its folders. I wanted to know the way to upload the train into my railyard.

Basically. All I want to know is the other way to add a train into the railyard without using the DLS.
I am not aware of any other way to add 'a train' to railyard without downloading it from the DLS or downloading from another Trainz oriented website ? Maybe some more info regarding what you are trying to do would be helpful ?
And maybe I misread your post ?

Ok. So. I heard theres another way to add a train to the railyard without using th DLS. I have a train with all its folders. I wanted to know the way to upload the train into my railyard.

Basically. All I want to know is the other way to add a train into the railyard without using the DLS.

Depending on the structure of the train's files and directories, you would place them into your C:\[Trainz Install Directory]\World\Custom\Trains folder under it's Asset or User name.

Can you be more specific as to "structure", and also where they would be obtained, if not from the DLS or downloaded from another website ??
As stated previously, possibly I am misreading what KCS617 is trying to do ?
I am definately not understanding your post !

I think KRS617 has a rolling stock asset acquired from a third-party site or some other source. He has 'all its folders' so I assume it is not packed as a cdp file.

If I am on the right track what you do depends on what version of Trainz you are running:

For TRS04 simply move the new asset folder into c:\program files\auran\trs04\world\custom\trains

For TRS06 launch CMP and select 'Import Content' from the 'Files' menu, navigate to the new folder and import and commit.

I don't have TC, but I believe the procedure is much the same as TRS06.

If you need more detail, post back....

Andy :)
I think KRS617 has a rolling stock asset acquired from a third-party site or some other source. He has 'all its folders' so I assume it is not packed as a cdp file.

If I am on the right track what you do depends on what version of Trainz you are running:

For TRS04 simply move the new asset folder into c:\program files\auran\trs04\world\custom\trains

For TRS06 launch CMP and select 'Import Content' from the 'Files' menu, navigate to the new folder and import and commit.

I don't have TC, but I believe the procedure is much the same as TRS06.

If you need more detail, post back....

Andy :)
I did the exact same thing c:\program files\auran\trs04\world\custom\trains. But Im runing on TRS06. No wonder it didnt work. Now all I have to do is get my CMP to work again.