active Narrow guage rolling stock?


New member
Does anyone know of any industry active, rolling stock 2' narrow gauge - other than the Ffestiniog stock - e.g. coal, slate, gen goods, logs etc
On the DLS
These are all active:

36 Coal Hopper Side Dump TRS,<kuid2:86661:720:1>
36 Coal Hopper Side Dump TRS,<kuid2:86661:720:127>
24 Gilpin Orecar Type 3 TRS,<kuid2:86661:721:2>
36 Coal Hopper BD,<kuid:86661:722>
24 Gilpin Orecar Type 3 TRS,<kuid2:86661:723:1>
24 Gilpin Coal Hopper,<kuid2:86661:724:1>
36 Orecar Type 3 TRS,<kuid:86661:15040>
2NG Flatcar,<kuid:86661:15046>
SG Skeleton 46ft MLOG,<kuid2:86661:15047:2>
SG Skeleton 46ft MLOG,<kuid2:86661:15047:3>
36ga Skeleton 36ft D&C,<kuid2:86661:15048:1>
36ga Skeleton 36ft D&C,<kuid2:86661:15048:2>
36ga Skeleton 42ft PCF,<kuid2:86661:15049:2>
30NG Flatcar,<kuid2:86661:15052:1>
36 DC Gondola,<kuid:86661:15053>
36 Flatcar TRS,<kuid2:86661:15410:1>
36ga Flatcar TRS v3,<kuid2:86661:15410:3>
36ga Skeleton 22ft Mich-Cal,<kuid2:86661:15430:3>

Thanks chaps for your help and advice. I think there may be some 2' (or almost) amongst some of the European/Canadian/New Zealand rolling stock, that I can use to test run a line and it's industries

I guess that you do not have TRS2006. Pity!

The ore and coal cars that came with Northbay are interactive and 2 ft gauge. To go with the interactive cars you have Linda's interactive mine building and coal dumps.

You also get a 2 foot Shay and a 2 foot Garratt. Incidentally, everything should all work in TRS2004 as they were all made in that version so exporting back should be no problem.


thanks narrowgauge

Yes I am using '06, but there is so much stuff that an occasional prod is needed in the right direction - thanks again.
I think there is some german ones

Small, well very small would be closer mostly mining and one 4w and one bogie flat car, now just have to remember where I got them

Do a search with "Lore" in the seach field and the Bottom menu set to Rollingstock.

Also try a search for "600mm" thats what the europeans call 2ft.

There is more of there on another site but can't seem to access it anymore, it included a couple of small 2f5 / 600mm german mining diesals and 1 Battery loco that I thought were quite nice.

Both above with no quotes of course

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Does anyone know of any industry active, rolling stock 2' narrow gauge - other than the Ffestiniog stock - e.g. coal, slate, gen goods, logs etc
On the DLS

Had a look through rickystyles work? What time period etc are you after? Also there is the teddytoot patent method for making things carry loads.

Thanks John
Had a look through rickystyles work? What time period etc are you after? Also there is the teddytoot patent method for making things carry loads.

Thanks John

I am re-working one of my British Landscapes layouts, preferably early to mid-twentieth century so I can get away with some diesel. The narrowguage line I have modelled is farily timeless (as is the rest of the layout, really), VERY loosely based on Ffestiniog.
