I have been pondering wether to post this thread on here or not as again its not rail related but I thought that some members of the comunitiy may appreciate it.
On Tuesday 6th May 2008 I went up to RAF Coningsby in Linconshire to see what was going on (a trip of 80 miles i might add) what a suprise was waiting at around four I looked up to see Avro Vulcan XH558 soaring overhead
Then she disapeered for a few minutes only to reapeer at the other end of the runway wheels down on the circuit to land
Then after a fabulous landing (not any tyre squeel at all) she taxied round to her dispersal for the next 2 nights.
Notice the Eurofighter Typhoon behind the Vulcan
all parked up and performing final checks
I stress this was a by chance meeting not a publisised occasion
On Tuesday 6th May 2008 I went up to RAF Coningsby in Linconshire to see what was going on (a trip of 80 miles i might add) what a suprise was waiting at around four I looked up to see Avro Vulcan XH558 soaring overhead
Then she disapeered for a few minutes only to reapeer at the other end of the runway wheels down on the circuit to land
Then after a fabulous landing (not any tyre squeel at all) she taxied round to her dispersal for the next 2 nights.
Notice the Eurofighter Typhoon behind the Vulcan
all parked up and performing final checks
I stress this was a by chance meeting not a publisised occasion