A Special Day...


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
I would like to announce a very special day for one of our favorite Trainz Community members.

Happy Birthday Gisa!:wave: :clap:
Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Wow...today is June the 24th! Man I'm late! Usually people say better late than never but...:o

I'm really sorry I missed this thread! I was told there was another one which I did see but in searching for that one today I came across this one.

Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday and I apologize for the late thanks! Maybe next year I'll be on time! :hehe:

Thank you again gents (I had a great day)!


Gisa ^^
Thanks gentlemen. Allow me to wish you all a pre/post happy birthday as well! ^^


Gisa ^^
Uh...this thread is from 2008; I believe we already wished you a happy birthday this year!
Happy Birthday Gisa, I raise my beer to ya....ahh wait, I don't have a beer.

Hope you have a good day mate.:)
:confused: Argh...didn't notice this was 2008. I DID miss that one though...

Let's let this thread die in peace. :)


Gisa ^^