A sneak preview of the......


*HRH in real life*
....SAR Bluebird 100, 250 and 280 Classes in 2 different paint schemes and a FreightLink crew car converted from a Bluebird 100 Class trailer:


More screen shots here.

I still have to animate the doors, work with Andi06's Superscript etc. and am in the middle of moving soon over 1200km back to SA. So, my guess is, these Bluebirds could be on the DLS as early as January.


Welldone VinnyBarb, they look awesome.:mop:

Welldone on the new website Vinny, I'll be a regular visitor.
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Oooooh, nice :D
If you want any help with the AJS superscript, give me a yell :)
Also, will we be seeing these with broad gauge bogies under them? The superscript will allow you to setup the bogies to swap submeshes around in the object's properties window in surveyor.

I plead, please release it with a broad gauge bogie set. :)
Vinny --

Looks absolutely great.

But not wishing to spoil the party, they look a little to squat to me. I can remember climbing up into the cab from ground level, and it was a fair way up. Is the height above rail level correct?

Vinny --

Looks absolutely great.

But not wishing to spoil the party, they look a little to squat to me. I can remember climbing up into the cab from ground level, and it was a fair way up. Is the height above rail level correct?


I double checked with Rob Shaw's Bluebird and the person standing on the ground:


and with AURAN's Santa Fe baggage car:


and the floor level is spot on, it seems :)

I have a feeling it is the screen shots I took from somewhat higher then from floor level that distorts the image somewhat as you get this "fish eye view" lens effect with screen shots. If you look at the "A 100 class" pic on my screen shot page, this will give you a better impression of its floor height.

In any case, it is good to get feedback before release to fix any "real" issues before upload, Phil, I thank you for that :D

@ 301
Zec, I will most likely take you up on your kind offer if I get into trouble with the Superscript :)

@ colhad, I don't think I have the time to extend my web site more, there are simply not enough hours in a day for me at the moment. For the time being, this is all one will get to look at.

Thank you all for your kind comments :wave: As I am not normally in the habit of showing off some created items until they are ready for upload to the DLS.


looking good, I have a soft spot for the old "birds" made many a trip from here to Broken Hill and here to Adelaide on the bluebird. always reliable, and a good fast trip.

good grief just thought back it was that long ago you could still smoke on a train (in the smoking class of course).. I know I used to lol "cough cough" :hehe:

put me down for a download when theyre done too
Those are great looking - and in my opinion, the level looks great - too many pieces of rolling stock out there look too high, and consequently, not real.

Quick question, do you have a cab interior? Or will you just be using the default one that seems to be in all of the RDC's?

Anyway - outstanding work.

Those are great looking - and in my opinion, the level looks great - too many pieces of rolling stock out there look too high, and consequently, not real.

Quick question, do you have a cab interior? Or will you just be using the default one that seems to be in all of the RDC's?

Anyway - outstanding work.


I am using the inbuilt AURAN Red Hen cab which has the driver on the left side (looking out), which is the correct side for the driver on the Bluebird.

Thanks for your comments :)


Well done VinnyBarb,

Looks very good. Is it TRS '04 at all?

Torana. :)

I usually set my creations up for TRS 04 and TRS 06. At the moment I have no problems in TRS 04 and once finishing the Bluebirds I will see how they behave in TRS 06. Either they works ok in it or I will make TRS 06 specific versions if initially they do not work in TRS 06.


....SAR Bluebird 100, 250 and 280 Classes in 2 different paint schemes and a FreightLink crew car converted from a Bluebird 100 Class trailer:


More screen shots here.

I still have to animate the doors, work with Andi06's Superscript etc. and am in the middle of moving soon over 1200km back to SA. So, my guess is, these Bluebirds could be on the DLS as early as January.



Is there any way to get the Indian Pacific and Ghan cars to work in TRS2006? Because they are missing dependancies that arn't on the DS.
Ford Telstar Picture
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I would suggest doing a manual search of the DLS via the following webpage:

As these do work in TRS06, I've used them a number of times in TRS06 myself.

If there is a missing dependency, please list it here. We may be able to help you find it...
Rob Shaw's bluebird railcar's are very nice and i love to Drive/run them on the South Aust lines or Aust lines and i too will down load your Bluebird's too mate
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Is there any way to get the Indian Pacific and Ghan cars to work in TRS2006? Because they are missing dependancies that arn't on the DS.

When I uploaded these coaches including their bogey at the same time, the bogey had an error in it and was rejected. Since the bogey was not there on the DLS (at the time the coaches got approved), there is NO reference about dependencies like bogies etc. when d/loading these coaches. Hence you will not see this even now when d/loading any of these coaches although I uploaded their corrected bogey the next day. This is an uploading error AURAN should fix as I am sure this has not happened to me alone.

The bogey's KUID number is KUID2: 184151:50501:3 which IS referenced in the coaches config.txt file possibly as KUID2: 184151:50501:1. When downloading that bogey, installing and committing that in TRS06 these coaches will appear there too as I have them running in my TRS06 as well as TRS04.

In any case, as I said above, in the next few weeks I will update all of them again with animated opening doors and interiors and have them passengers enabled including a new coach set, the Overlander which goes between Adelaide and Melbourne. As soon as I get to Adelaide to take some photos of them I can start on these.

As I already settled in Orroroo SA a couple of weeks ago, I will start on finishing and uploading the SA Bluebirds too real soon (TM) :)


Ooooh, Overland cars! Any chance of a set in the 'original' livery (V&SAR maroon and silver)? Then we can have another use for the R class!

BTW, The Overland is the train that runs Melbourne-Adelaide. The Overlander is one the operates in NZ :)