A Question and waffle

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Trainz Legend
Hey all

I was just thinking after seeing the - number thread about how do i and etc and i was thinking if there was anyone else out there like me.
When i first brought trainz ( trainz original ) i diddn't have the internet or anything like that to find out what to do i taught myself ( almost ) all the things you need to run trains. When i brought trainz 2004 i taught myself how to use AI and all the other stuff availible then when we got an internet connection i learnt how to download and find missing dependencies ( yep you guessed it ) all by myself. ONCE again when trainz 2006 came out i learnt how to use CMP ( or just only how to download stuff nothing else ) and then i joined the forum ( diddn't even know what the hell a forum was till then :) )and learnt to make myself even better and find out things i haddn't thought of before.

So is there anyone esle out there who taught themselfs how to play trainz without any help from forums etc?

Gosh now that was a huge post for me ( i like life stories :o :hehe: )

I joined the forum right after TRS2006 came out, I already had Trainz, and TRS2004. I also pretty much am self taught in the ways of that. I lurk here primarily...

*goes back to lurking*
And another.... but I must admit I've asked about things not covered in the Manual or CCG.

Oh thats fine almost everyone has done that:) I mostely mean learning how to use surveyor etc :D

PS : Thanks for the response everyone.
And me

Put me at the bottom of that list.
I bought Trainz, then UTC and ended up with TRS2004. I have stuck with that because I cannot see any major advances in 06.
My learning curve was in Trainz, I just clicked on things to see what they did and learnt that way. It's perhaps the easiest way of finding out how things work, you can always go Back or Cancel, the same as other things on your PC. And you soon find out what not to do....
If you get chucked out then just restart the program....

In recent times I have posted for help and received it, that's what the forums is for, but my usual route is to try things out first and if they fail then I post.


I dont consider my "How can I" thread as "Waffle" I am angry and dismayed to hear that people think this!

I thought the idea of a forum was to help people some of whom may not be as PC literate as others.

I have made it clear that I am new to Trainz.

I have joined this forum because I thought I could get help, which in the main I have had so far.

I have spent hours this weekend lokking at CMP and clicking on things and seeing what they do and so far I have been unsuccessful.

Everything I have done does not lead me to clearing my main problem of finding my files to edit!!!

I agree experimenting is the best way but when all else fails who do you turn to.

If this is classed as waffle then I see no point in having a forum.


I dont consider my "How can I" thread as "Waffle" I am angry and dismayed to hear that people think this!

I thought the idea of a forum was to help people some of whom may not be as PC literate as others.

I have made it clear that I am new to Trainz.

I have joined this forum because I thought I could get help, which in the main I have had so far.

I have spent hours this weekend lokking at CMP and clicking on things and seeing what they do and so far I have been unsuccessful.

Everything I have done does not lead me to clearing my main problem of finding my files to edit!!!

I agree experimenting is the best way but when all else fails who do you turn to.

If this is classed as waffle then I see no point in having a forum.


Have you, by any chance, instead of just clicking around aimlessly, taken the opportunity to read the forums here or the manual that comes with the simulator? I dare say that most if not all problems and information is already available in either of these two media.

in other words: your questions are indeed waffle if you haven't tried to acquire the information yourself in other manners then befouling the forums.
I am not clicking around aimlessly!

I am carrying out structured actions as per the manual but I still cannot locate any files that I have created!!! If I could at least find these files then I could edit them.

My questions are repeat NOT WAFFLE!!!.

I read again the instructions for finding files in the CMP and there are no files there???

In DRIVER the files are all saved, but where are they. That is all the information that I want.

If I am not allowed to ask questions then I may as well leave this forum.

Add me to the list as well - I started on 2004, then 2006.
I di make sure that I bought the vesions with printed manuals - I just can't get on with an online manual it means forever opening windows, hunting throught the screens, losing the place etc.

It's one of the big downsides of having everything on a DVD.

I've asked questions here wen I can't find a way to do what I want, and every time I've had helpful suggestions.

Terry, as far as I an see this isn't a go at you - as 0099 (anthony) wrote there are lots of people asking for help which is already in the manual.
It's one of my pet niggles, but I'll not rise.

All the best,

This is the first time, I ever use a forum! Hope, I do right. I bought Trainz 1.1.1 about 2002. Got several help from the learning centre and some people answered little special questions about creating complicated steam locos and so on.

So, I would be proud to find myself at your list as well :D

PS: Check what I did from my first Trainz until today by watching the videos at www.myspace.com/tume_um - if you want to ;-)
I also taught myself about Trainz. I remember how amazed I was when I first started track laying in Surveyor. I could use unlimited amounts! I have had help form this forum when I have asked questions, and also, tried my best to help others.

I have now, finally, bought a copy of 2006, mainly to find out for myself what it is really like. But this does not mean that I'll be turning my back on 2004.

Just curiosity, really. So, please, add me to your list, too.:)
this is my first computer and i'm 46 and i've learnt about 95% of everthing
by the provern method of "trial and error"
anyhow nothing wrong with a bit of wafferling now and then
some people just take things too seriously

I do ask questions once in awhile when I need them, but for the most part I've figured out most of the stuff on my own.

When first copy of TRS2004, I logged into the forums and then set out to figure out things on my own. When I started using Surveyor, I went in and inspected other people's routes that I had downloaded. This gave me ideas on how to lay tracks and even do things better than what I saw. Not long after the diddling around, I started on my own route which has been expanded to about 89 miles now and was restarted once due to some system technical difficulties.

Today I've taken my experience and use this to help others who are following the same path, and are stumbling on many of the same things I did. I also help anyone who asks a question nicely no matter how dumb the question may appear to some of the new folks here on the forums.

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