A New Driver Utility- Distance Counter


New member
You know when you're creating a session, you have maybe 50 or so different utilities to apply? Physics, banking consists, ect..etc.
I was thinking of a useful one- distance counter. Some of the newer payware units from WoT have distance counters, but most locos don't. This doesn't need to be anything fancy like on WoT locos, just a reading in the HUD. We have train weight info available to us, but no distance/length. If it was really fancy, we could click on the counter which would count down. (Based on train length and speed) That way, we could (realistically) when we were out of a siding or something like that.

Is there a utility like this availale?
interesting point here would be nice as realistically is this train gonna fit in this yard in advance knowing how much train you can pull without penciling and guessing all the time.....(which I do in surveyor of my yards
measuring out and using 50' as a average car size.....) come to think of it a nice little track marker add on with yard feet you assign would be kewl...
(just thinking out load)

Dave =)
distance count

On the dls there is a car counter witch tell how many cars plus Loco and caboose. will this work?
It would definatley help, thanks! But, a distance counter is different. Let's say that the speed limit when diverging through a switch is 10 MPH. This applies to the ENTIRE train, so until the last car clears that switch, the train cannot do more then 10 MPH. So how does the engineer know when he's cleared the switch? A distance counter! The crew already knows the length of the train in the distance counter display. Once the lead loco passes the switch (or a speed sign, slow order flag, ect..etc) he will press a button which takes the train length and counts down. When the distance counter zeroes, he knows that his train is clear of the switch.
I wanted a distance counter that just told you how long your train was, it doesn't need to actually count, hehe.

Thanks for that car counter, I will grab that!!:D
I believe Marzitrains Display Train Info Rule will tell you both how long the consist is and how much weight its pulling. It actually has this information for any consist on the route.