A neat narrow gauge operation from the Ukraine.

I recall reading in either Model Railroader or Trains Magazine that there was something similar to this in South Carolina, but the thing that was interesting was that they still used link-and-pin couplers!
I recall reading in either Model Railroader or Trains Magazine that there was something similar to this in South Carolina, but the thing that was interesting was that they still used link-and-pin couplers!

That sounds cool! Check out the other video I posted about the Chinese electric. That's also narrow gauge and they link and pin couplers on that too.
Brakeman Billy Bob McGee thought using link-n-pins couplers was cool too, until that faithful day on which he earned his new nickname of "Three Fingers McGee." :confused:

Cool that a modern company is still using these, not that people lose their fingers! :)