92 X a couple of days


Veteran but blossoming
Trade seems to be a serious affair down there!

92 Day First Class Ticket
Premium Download Access
Not Activated

Check your profiles! ;) Is it only me? Is it a mistake? Or is it my mistake?

Last edited:
Trade seems to be a serious affair down there!
92 Day First Class Ticket
Premium Download Access
Not Activated

Check your profiles! ;) Is it only me? Is it a mistake? Or is it my mistake?

You are correct, my 1st class ticket has been activated by someone, or something, other than me ???
And it shows exactly as yours ??

Confussed ---DLR
I had a FCT which I activated about a week ago, I was down to 80 days or so.

Now it says I have 90 days left! :D

Looks like Auran gave us a little present, lets try not to look a gift horse in the mouth... :Y:
i too seem to have recieved a bump in time. I can't quote the exact amount but my 1year seems to still have a year on it....

The problem is , I do not want my ticket activated, but somehow it has happened.
It is great that they are possibly giving some days back to those with activated tickets.
I'll check with someone at Auran when things settle down ?
It is really not a big deal, I probably would never have activated it anyway, as I have never Dl'd a huge amount in one day.

Just curious as to what happened---DLR
I demand a recount!!
Bought my FCT just before the great DLS crash.Lost days have not been replaced for me.(goes off with loud murmurs of discontent).
Regards Bruce
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Trade seems to be a serious affair down there!

92 Day First Class Ticket
Premium Download Access
Not Activated

Check your profiles! ;) Is it only me? Is it a mistake? Or is it my mistake?


Yes Alberte, for me too.

for 92 days to me :Y:


Manuel ;)
I seem to have made a mistake in mine, i stupidly read the wrong thing for when it expires. instead of reading the date, i read the description, thinking it was counting down the days left... my bad.

I have not received a 92 day one from them.

I think the additional download-tickets are taking their way at first through Europe and are finally ending in the USA, I hope. :D

An additional 92-days-ticket for me too, thank you very much Auran. :)


After checking this topic on the IBTZ forum too, it seems that there is some kind of non-universal gift on our profiles. Not everybody has been gifted that 92-day FCT :hehe:

I have also noticed that my 30-day FCT for TC (which I hadn't activated still) has disapppeared, but I got that 92-day instead. Well, it's not a bad deal at all for a couple or so of DS-less days :hehe:

Anyway, I would like this deal to be universal. Let's expect what the Threesome team says. ;)

Alberte :wave:
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Trade seems to be a serious affair down there!

92 Day First Class Ticket
Premium Download Access
Not Activated

Check your profiles! ;) Is it only me? Is it a mistake? Or is it my mistake?


Mine shows the 92 day ticket, but it also says EXPIRED.

My current one expires on January 17, but the new one for the next year shows that it is not yet activated, which I guess is normal. I will activate it in 2 days. I dont know what the 92 day ticket is about.:confused: