3Ds Max 9..plugin???..exporting to TRS 2006


Somewhere in the layout..
I have TRS 2006 and I've wanted to make some easy models to try out in my project, so I've downloaded the free 30 days trial 3Ds Max 9...

Next I downloaded the content creator guide and the plugins refered to in the manual.

But It seems like the Auran jet plugin only is compatibel with Max 4???, I could not get the plugin to work with 3Ds max 9, the error essage says :"max not found".

So I tried to download Max 4, but the link is broken (refering to the link in the content creation guide).....

1. Is there a way to get 3Ss max 9 to export files as .im extension. Any plugins ??

or.. is there a way to get max 4?..then i can use the plugin I already have.

2. When opening files in content creator, is there a way to change the size of it or do u have to do this in max or other 3d program? Let's say u want to change the height of a tree or something

pls reply on this...

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At least I can help u guys having the Max3,4,5,6,7 or 8 versions...

Plugins Max version:







max6,7 and 8 uses the same plugin


I'm still stuck with the 9 version...but i will change to one of the previous version



Hello Jan
Auran do not recomend using the Jet plugins with Trainz. There are important differences between the Jet plugins and the Trainz plugins.


The Auran Team should check out this web site: http://www.softimage.com/community/xsi_mod_tool/default.aspx

This is a free 3D modeling program and it is as good as GMAX. I would like the Auran Team to create Trainz exporters for the program.

I get the impression that there are limitations on the "free" version such as the number of polys which is less than I've seen on some locos.

There are other packages available but GMAX does the job, we now have some very good tutorials around and a group of people who know enough about the product to be able to produce reseaonable models.

Blender comes to mind, it has a number of third party books and has already been used to create content for Trainz. Barry used it to create a number of items including KUID2: 86627:100001:1.

Cheerio John
Why not just go to Turbo Squid and DL GMax
Its free and there is a exporter for Trainz, it will do all you need and more
there are plenty of tutorials and a large % of Trainz objects are done with this,

I also have 3dsMax6 and there is no exporter for this version (Pity)

I have TRS 2006 and I've wanted to make some easy models to try out in my project, so I've downloaded the free 30 days trial 3Ds Max 9...

Next I downloaded the content creator guide and the plugins refered to in the manual.

But It seems like the Auran jet plugin only is compatibel with Max 4???, I could not get the plugin to work with 3Ds max 9, the error essage says :"max not found".

So I tried to download Max 4, but the link is broken (refering to the link in the content creation guide).....

1. Is there a way to get 3Ss max 9 to export files as .im extension. Any plugins ??

or.. is there a way to get max 4?..then i can use the plugin I already have.

2. When opening files in content creator, is there a way to change the size of it or do u have to do this in max or other 3d program? Let's say u want to change the height of a tree or something

pls reply on this...


Many THX...:)

I have downloaded it and it works with the plugin, but it takes weeks for me to get this right, but at least now i have the program and can take start working with it...


I know that I can still use GMAX on Windows XP but it won't run on Windows Vista. I just want the Auran Team to know about other 3D modeling programs besides GMAX and 3D Studio MAX.
Why not just go to Turbo Squid and DL GMax
Its free and there is a exporter for Trainz, it will do all you need and more
there are plenty of tutorials and a large % of Trainz objects are done with this,

I also have 3dsMax6 and there is no exporter for this version (Pity)

But one technique I've seen used is create in brand X, import into GMAX then export into Trainz. 3dsMax6 and GMAX should have a common file type they can export import.

Cheerio John
When I tested Windows Vista RC1 and RC2, I tried to run GMAX but there were graphics problems. I have Windows Vista Home Premium on a second desktop computer and I think that most programs run on Windows Vista with little or no problems. Last week, Microsoft released a patch for Windows Vista that allowed more programs and games to run on Windows Vista.
Let's face it, Auran isn't very interested in having people create add-ons for their products anymore. That's the whole concept behind "Trainz Classics", after all. Oh sure, in theory you can do it, but let's look at your actual choices. One, you can use a plug-in for a professional 3D product which doesn't even run under windows Vista OR XP (3dsMax 4.2), and is only FIVE major revisions behind what's actually available to purchase. Two, you can use a plug-in for a scaled-down, buggy version of that program (Gmax 1.2) which hasn't been updated since 2002, which is unsupported by the company which wrote and released it (and, who in fact, attempted to remove it from the market 2 years ago) and which also doesn't run under the current version of Windows. Despite all this talk about being commited to their customers, the only effort Auran has made to provide an updated export module for Trainz is to warn users to not use the Jet module (probably because of licensing issues), and a few unsuccessful attempts that one of their employees made to port it to later versions of 3dsMax that they did in their spare time. The person who wrote the original export modules is no longer with them, and they're unwilling to devote any actual development time to producing updated exporters that will work with currently available products.
Let's face it, Auran isn't very interested in having people create add-ons for their products anymore. That's the whole concept behind "Trainz Classics", after all. Oh sure, in theory you can do it, but let's look at your actual choices. One, you can use a plug-in for a professional 3D product which doesn't even run under windows Vista OR XP (3dsMax 4.2), and is only FIVE major revisions behind what's actually available to purchase. Two, you can use a plug-in for a scaled-down, buggy version of that program (Gmax 1.2) which hasn't been updated since 2002, which is unsupported by the company which wrote and released it (and, who in fact, attempted to remove it from the market 2 years ago) and which also doesn't run under the current version of Windows. Despite all this talk about being commited to their customers, the only effort Auran has made to provide an updated export module for Trainz is to warn users to not use the Jet module (probably because of licensing issues), and a few unsuccessful attempts that one of their employees made to port it to later versions of 3dsMax that they did in their spare time. The person who wrote the original export modules is no longer with them, and they're unwilling to devote any actual development time to producing updated exporters that will work with currently available products.

To be fair to AURAN, GMax (or any early 3DS Max) does indeed work for Trainz as it also does for a lot of other games one can mod (NeverWinterNight 1 and 2, all Dooms, all Quakes, Morrowind and Oblivion among some). So, what IS wrong with using it, it is free and does the job. Admittedly, it has a steep learning curve but if I and a lot of other content creators can muster it, anyone else can too. Btw, I use 3DS Max 5 for my creations which I bought second hand for less than one hundred dollars.

The same applies to the other early versions of 3DS Max, which are now dirt cheap to buy second hand (if one is fast enough to get one as they do sell like hot cakes). You do not need ALL the bells and whistles the new versions of 3DS Max have as the Trainz (Jet) engine most likely does not support them anyway.

Anyhow, who can afford the several thousand dollars a new version of 3DS Max costs unless one has a "borrowed" copy. Even an academic version still costs some couple to three of hundred dollars and these have restrictions which prohibits the use for TRS.

If you are lucky enough to know how to create in other 3D programs, your learning experience for GMax is already three quarter done as what happens there applies almost similar to GMax or 3DS Max. So why get uptight? Get on with GMax, study it and study it some more. You know that is the ONLY way to learn it :D

FYI, GMax as well as 3DS Max 5 does run with Windows Vista as I have it installed on one of my PCs. I never ever had problems with them with any current or previous versions of Windoz.

My opinion

Let's face it, Auran isn't very interested in having people create add-ons for their products anymore. That's the whole concept behind "Trainz Classics", after all. Oh sure, in theory you can do it, but let's look at your actual choices. One, you can use a plug-in for a professional 3D product which doesn't even run under windows Vista OR XP (3dsMax 4.2), and is only FIVE major revisions behind what's actually available to purchase. Two, you can use a plug-in for a scaled-down, buggy version of that program (Gmax 1.2) which hasn't been updated since 2002, which is unsupported by the company which wrote and released it (and, who in fact, attempted to remove it from the market 2 years ago) and which also doesn't run under the current version of Windows. Despite all this talk about being commited to their customers, the only effort Auran has made to provide an updated export module for Trainz is to warn users to not use the Jet module (probably because of licensing issues), and a few unsuccessful attempts that one of their employees made to port it to later versions of 3dsMax that they did in their spare time. The person who wrote the original export modules is no longer with them, and they're unwilling to devote any actual development time to producing updated exporters that will work with currently available products.

But on the other hand it works. In the high volume games market games get discounted after a few months and the high volume games market is where the money is. Trainz is currently discounted to $15 in the malls so they aren't making that much cash per sale. Many games purchasers aren't very good at downloading so repackaging routes with possibly a few tweaks to the game makes sense for the mass market and gets a few more $ for the title thus making it worthwhile for Auran to continue the forums etc..

Cheerio John
Hello Jan
Auran do not recomend using the Jet plugins with Trainz. There are important differences between the Jet plugins and the Trainz plugins.



Yes there certainly are differences. Animations will not export at all when using a JET plugin. Trainz plugin for 3dsmax4 works very well with 3ds max 5.1 but after version 6 it doesn't...
Would it be possible to export a final loco as a 3ds file from any version of 3dsmax, and immort the GMAX for export to .im format? I know both programs have native support for it, so maybe that might work...
Yes there certainly are differences. Animations will not export at all when using a JET plugin.

Incorrect .. I have seen no problems with anim export and some animations are only possible with the Jet exporters . Max 9 requires recompilation of the exporters.

Perhaps a look at the Maya exporters .. :)

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The thing is with Gmax if you change the computer specs the old pass code is no good
you have to uninstall Gmax completely
download Gmax again
and reinstall you will get a new code

I know that I can still use GMAX on Windows XP but it won't run on Windows Vista. I just want the Auran Team to know about other 3D modeling programs besides GMAX and 3D Studio MAX.
