3D people


New member
Hi all,

Is anyone planning on making any more 3D people for TRS? I'm making another route now, for which I need plenty of people - everything from well dressed office workers through market traders, shoppers, walkers, engineers right through to beach-goers. In any case, there is a shortage of 3D people (though there are a lot of 2D ones). I'm looking for people from the 1990s and 2000s, but there is no reason not to have early 20th centuary clothing as well, for those modelling the steam/early diesel era.

One final footnote - I'm not interested in western people, and I've already got Shoves' models (chatting away outside the terraces between the station and cricket pitch - guess that sums my route up).

3d people are a bit difficult and although you can make them low poly they're not too well detailed; we've found to make them convincing you need at least 600 and for really good detail 900 is the base. That having been said, if you send us a list of what you'd like we can set about making base models that can be altered, so if it takes 3 hours or so to make the base then we can just alter it to the poses needed and add bits (coats, hats, bags, dogs,prams,pushchairs, suitcases or whatever else).
Funnily enough we were saying last week that we need to make more people and started on a base model for a female which as yet has no legs or head, and so a quarter of the work is done already.
If you're up for re-skinning you can alter any of our people and release them as your own if you want; I'd make the Gmax files available but we lost them along with some of the vehicles in a disk accident.
Once the base models are done I suppose we could release the Gmax files for them for everybody else to use. Might turn in to an interesting pan-community project:)


Ian at Shoves
Along the same lines, I have noticed that there seems to be a distinct shortage of "train spotter" figures for the ends of our platforms. :)

No good with Gmax yet, so would appreciate if anyone could make some gricers for me. :D
Is it possible to animate the people?

Think eg. of people getting off and on the trains. That would be awesome! (now they just dissapears or appears on the platforms)

Same with animals. How nice it would be to, for example, look at a deer running across the track in front of the train (hopefully without hitting the loco :-)) !
Really, it's just a case of you make it - I'll find a home for it.

However, what I really need is engineers in hi-vis jackets (there are a couple available, but I want more 'cos I'm greedy ;)), and I want to populate a town centre. This means people with carrier bags, handbags, kids etc.

Also looking for more people like Mrs. Blount and Mrs. Cotton for the terraces alongside the tramway. In a similar line, passengers for stations - including trainspotters - who will still be there after the trains have passed through.

For an idea of the areas I'm looking at:

Around there somewhere is road traffic appropriate to the 1990s - present, but the trams are of an older type.

As for reskinning - I'll take a look, but at the moment I've got a lot on my plate - the Westhaven tram fleet and also coursework (which I should be doing now as it happens, instead of posting here :eek:) take up a lot of time. Also, you mention that they have a lot of polies - what I am looking for is more a representation rather than a model. Something to fill the empty streets you can see on the screens.
It would be useful to have some diesel "bashers" - carrying Adidas bags , and one or two bellowing out of the vestibule window next to the engine..:rolleyes:
Is it possible to animate the people?

Think eg. of people getting off and on the trains. That would be awesome! (now they just dissapears or appears on the platforms)

Same with animals. How nice it would be to, for example, look at a deer running across the track in front of the train (hopefully without hitting the loco :-)) !

Search for the username Kenichiro on the DLS, he has some animated Buisnessmen


Theres an animated Woodcutter with an axe and soundfile and I remember theres an animated Horse and Trap for use on Invisible Track.
If it's background people then we can certainly make low-detail ones that won't upset the frame rates too much. We'll have a tinker over the next couple of days and see what we can crank out by the weekend. Animation's a bit more difficult but possible using linked pivot sections and dummies (bones are better but complex) so we'll have a go at that too.
For background use there are the Trainzpeople range based on two intersecting planes which with careful positioning can look convincing. These are very easy to produce provided you have a suitable coloured image. You only need an art program since you use the same mesh. Perhaps one of the originators could elaborate more for newcomers.

The Auran source CDs contain the meshes for the built-in passengers. Unfortunately they are in Max format so are inaccessible to the likes of me with only GMax. It would be nice to edit them to produce early 20c figures and also make some of the sitting passengers less sprawling. This would make it a lot easier to add passenger meshes to NG stock.
If some kind creator would convert them from Max format to 3ds we could all use them regardless of whether we're using max, gmax or 3ds........
For background use there are the Trainzpeople range based on two intersecting planes which with careful positioning can look convincing. These are very easy to produce provided you have a suitable coloured image. You only need an art program since you use the same mesh. Perhaps one of the originators could elaborate more for newcomers.

I had tried these before, and as you say can be convincing in certain situations. However, if you look back at my screens above (or below if you've got the thread running oldest first) you'll see that the people would be so close to the tramcars that the 2D nature is too obvious.

I've also got Kenichiro's people, and they are quite good. Unfortunately, they stand out if used in an area with stationary people. It's like using card and plastics together when railway modelling - both good but never together. On reflection though, I could put some along the streets by the terraces (pic 2).
What sort of poly count are we looking at here?
I'm sure I can come up with a low poly blank model for people to use in GMAX, but it depends how low you want to go.

Do you think it would be possible to go as low as 400-500, or is that pushing the limits?

Perhaps it would be possible to do two sets of meshes - one for charactors in the background at 4/500, and one for foreground people at 7/800.

Preferably easy to skin, then it would be possible to churn out tens of them quite quickly.

PS thanks all for taking an interest :).
Do you think it would be possible to go as low as 400-500, or is that pushing the limits?

Perhaps it would be possible to do two sets of meshes - one for charactors in the background at 4/500, and one for foreground people at 7/800.

Preferably easy to skin, then it would be possible to churn out tens of them quite quickly.

PS thanks all for taking an interest :).

Ideally then using lod, but we if could also use chameleon we could put multiple textures on one mesh so the machine hit would be much lower. Mix in a few meshes and say 6-10 different skins on each you could get quite a crowd and still see locos move.

Cheerio John
Is it possible to animate the people?

Think eg. of people getting off and on the trains. That would be awesome! (now they just dissapears or appears on the platforms)

Same with animals. How nice it would be to, for example, look at a deer running across the track in front of the train (hopefully without hitting the loco :-)) !
i am sure the deer thing is possible, it just need a loop system, and lots of configuration. it'd be just like a horn sound. you place the deer near the tracks, and it runs across, turns around, runs back again.
although, i wouldn;'t recommend that for high-speed routes, for a high-speed train would derail on hitting an animal of such.
between 5 and 700 is a reasonable one because they're basically six cylinders, if you go much lower you don't get contour and they're very blobby and square. We made an athlete for muscle study in just under 20,000 polys and some of the medical ones have in excess of 60,000 which would just topple trainz right over on all but the highest spec machines.
Four have been uploaded to the DLS this evening and they're just shy of 600. You can see pics on our space:


and they are incredibly easy to reskin; Bunty is just a reposed model of Abagail with a new TGA file. Anybody wanting a bash at reskinning them feel free and that goes for the next few we put on too.
If you can't quite see the difference, Abigail is carrying a shoulder bag, Bunty isn't but she's smoking a crafty cigarette which occasionally, if you look carefully, emits a wisp of smoke. By all means mess about with the smoke generator if you like.


Ian at Shoves.
Sorry I have missed this thread but this may be of help and expand on by others.

A creator MGalling created what he called a "People Monitor" and then using the Auran mashes (something like this anyway) he created 3D people with different clothing and either standing, sitting, male, female. All you have to do on a layout is place the People Monitor somewhere and hide it under a building whatever, then you can place the people where ever you want them.

Use this kuid to locate one of them and the view pack will give you everything, including the People Monitor.

Kuid 70791:35872

A little warning here, there are 300 people to download :D

Hope this helps and as I said maybe there could be some addition/expansion of this idea.

There is a problem with the Mgalling 3D people and People Monitor.
While they appear to work in Surveyor and Driver you actually have to place them in the scene before you know what you have got. ie they are invisible until placed.

If you attempt to look at them in Fileviewer you get an initial flash of a model but then it disappears. Probably the script file needs modifying but that is beyond me as yet.

CMP also throws a wobbly and declares all 301 of them faulty for wrong product kuid. I have not been able to solve these issues.