3D Creations


New member

Somewhere down the line I read a tutorial that taught how to create a 3D model of buildings using a particular software (not gmax or 3d max). The person used a software that needed 3 pictures of the building and the program could use that to generate the object. He used pictures of his house for the tutorial. I would love to be able to find that again if someone remembers it and where to get a hold of it please let me know. I will be searching for it but any help would be appreciated.

I think the program you are thinking of is Photomodeller. I believe there used to be a free "lite" version but it was withdrawn and only the commercial version was left. I don't know if it still available or not - try Googling it.
Had a look at photomodeler and it sure appears be a great tool to recreate real objects to be placed in Trainz, BUT at close to US$1000, a bit out of most people's league, especially the hobbiest. Oh well, it was nice to dream. :wave:
Man i wish I could remember it, he had a great tutorial on how to do it to...
It may be one of these though, hopefully not the one that is 1K$ though..
You can get a copy of Canoma v1.01 from here

G'day Robby2,
Canoma is not obtainable now as it has been brought out by Adobe, BUT......
You can get a copy of Canoma v1.01 from here: http://rapidshare.com/files/52657661/Canoma_1.0.1.rar

[1] Load the above address in your browser and hit Enter.
[2] Click on FREE and Waite a while.
[3] Write the code you see in the space provided.
[4] Click the Download button.
[5] Save to disk [ it's a 86.6 mb download ]
[6] As it's a RAR file you can download a free unrarer from www.izarc.org

Regards jeffjgale.:o
I am not yet at the point where I will need to create my own stations from the real pics but will be sooner or later. That gives me time to explore for the best application to use...

So is there some tutorial out there on using Canoma for trainz?? I would difinitely be intersted in using it if better and easier than photomodeler.

Just figured out that i can't use photom lite with vista, looks for Direct x 3 or higher. I have v10 and it thinks i don't have dX...

Anyway, looks like i will go with canoma. Anyone have some experience with using this or know where i can get some info?
