3 months free FCT ?


New member
Just a quick question that hopefully Alan can answer, i have ordered trainz classics which is on the way to my house :) now i heard about 3 months free FCT but do you also get the 30 days FCT or is that included ? And what if you get your 3 months FCT and Classics is not part of the download station yet ? Is there anyway to say when you want your free 3 months FCT to start ? Or will you get some extra time ? I hope you know what im trying to ask, basicly i would like to make use of the 3 months FCT but have it start when the Classics section is available on the download station and if that is impossible will we the classics buyers get the extra time we had to wait for classics to be added to the download station ?
A 3 month FCT will be added to your profile when you register your TC serial number in your Planet Auran Profile. It is instead of, not in addition to, the regular 30 day FCT that comes with TC registration. Don't forget that you must register before August 31 to receive the extended FCT. Then you do not need to activate the FCT until you are ready to use it.

Great thanks for the reply Lance it's much apreciated, so if i understand correctly when i recieve my trainz classics i can register it and then i get 3 months free FCT and i can activate that whenever i want to start using it.
That is just wonderfull, i think that im going to register it on my other name then because i still have my 3 months left on it from when i registered 2004 so that would make 6 months then, it's gonna be great fun with the new Classics version specially since it doesn't have all the stuff 2004 and 2006 has cause i think it's way to much and not easy to use anymore so im definatly going to enjoy the classics serie which i intend to get everyone of them.
Great, I have almost a year left on my current ticket, I'm sure it will come in handy then as well............:):):)
Yes, you did. You recieved a 6 month Free FCT for registering TRS2006. Its still in your profile and has never been activated and used.
You say that, This post is very VERY late but i only got a one month fct and I am reluctant to activate it. All i want is the tyne and wear metro and some other cool add ons. Its not much to ask. Plz reply.:confused:
How many Unactivated FCT's can you keep stored, without activating them ?

Will they ever go off into cyberspace, or cancel out each other, if stockpiled, and left Unactivated ?

Is there the chance that an idle Unactivated FCT, (or 2-3 stored Unactivated paid FCT's) will evaporate, if left Unactivated ? (In the event of a N3V computer glitch, or forum crash, or end of the world Myan Doomsday Countdown Dec 21 2012 ... etc ... etc ...).
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I've registered every version except TS2009 and Trainz 1.3 as I do not own them, yet I only have 2 one-month FCTs. (One of which I used)

Was there some special deal that was in a certain time period that I missed out on?

I have one, 1 year FCT (Unativated) and I am thinking of buying a second 1 Year FCT and storing it also, Unactiveted, just cause' there is a 25% off sale.

I am so busy building a route ... I gotz' no time to download assets. :cool: