20th May 2015 T:ANE responding sluggishly


New member
Are any of you guys finding that T:ANE is running very sluggishly today?

I am finding it almost impossible to use in Surveyor as the cursor is moving about 1-2 seconds behind my mouse movements. Everything was fine first thing but has steadily worsened. I have come out of T:ANE and restarted but to no effect - neither has closing the PC and restarting helped. I have also done a system scan to remove any possible malware. Any ideas?

Examining my route further (just nine boards at the moment) I can see that the sluggish cursor movement seems to only occur at one end of the route whilst at the other end it is OK. My feelings are that I have some content there that doesn't sit well with T:ANE, but nothing is showing as faulty. I don't really want to have to redo those three boards but am wondering if that is the only option.
Try a rebuild Database, that cured a similar problem here.

Thanks Malc I should have thought of that doh!

In the end I tied it down to the fact that I had built a marsh on just one board this morning so in the end deleted that as it didn't have much else on it. This means it was one of two assets that was causing the problem, either the texture 'marsh' or the asset 'reeds 3'. Anyway deleting that board cured the problem, but it would have been easier to have just repaired the database - old age eh!!
Hi Richard,

You didn't by change use those old reed assets - Reeds, Reeds1, etc.?

These things will bring any Cray super computer to its knees and have been a problem since they were first created. Instead of reeds, I use tall brown grass. It's a good substitution, though not a perfect one.

Hi Richard,

You didn't by change use those old reed assets - Reeds, Reeds1, etc.?

These things will bring any Cray super computer to its knees and have been a problem since they were first created. Instead of reeds, I use tall brown grass. It's a good substitution, though not a perfect one.


How did you guess???? :hehe: I will look for the tall brown grass as you suggest - the blooming reeds had me going all day long until I twigged that they were the culprits through many attempts at the route, adding assets until it started to stutter, and yes, it was 'reeds 3'!!

Many thanks
How did you guess???? :hehe: I will look for the tall brown grass as you suggest - the blooming reeds had me going all day long until I twigged that they were the culprits through many attempts at the route, adding assets until it started to stutter, and yes, it was 'reeds 3'!!

Many thanks

How would I guess... LOL I got burned with those too when I was building a salt marsh and wanted the reeds along the fens oh so many years ago. I reckon that they are probably overly constructed both mesh wise and textures, and probably have double-sided polygons as well. This can cause most systems, even super computers to stutter.

And here-in lies one of the great Trainz challenges of the future - while many people are currently focused on the engine, we are confident that in the majority of cases, TANE is much faster than TS12 like for like. We know that speedtrees have some issues and we're working on performance there, but content however, is the single biggest optimisation opportunity that remains. Hopefully we can begin focusing on these important issues in the near future...
... You didn't by change use those old reed assets - Reeds, Reeds1, etc.?

These things will bring any Cray super computer to its knees and have been a problem since they were first created. Instead of reeds, I use tall brown grass. It's a good substitution, though not a perfect one.


:eek: Just checked - Reeds3 has 3998 polys! You could bring up mesh details in TS12 (CM3.6), but I can't find it in TANE CE. Can it still be done?

I asked back when beta testing TRS 2004 for a polycount to be added in Surveyor, so when you selected an asset in the list, you'd get a count for that object.
And it's so easy to do!

They didn't listen.

It was obvious even back then that some people wouldn't be frugal when it came to polys, and that we needed some way to protect against objects like that.
And here-in lies one of the great Trainz challenges of the future - while many people are currently focused on the engine, we are confident that in the majority of cases, TANE is much faster than TS12 like for like. We know that speedtrees have some issues and we're working on performance there, but content however, is the single biggest optimisation opportunity that remains. Hopefully we can begin focusing on these important issues in the near future...

I couldn't agree more Tony, I think that some of the content is, shall we say, 'basic' and I for one was hoping that there would be improvements in this area with T:ANE but to be honest I haven't seen much of it yet. As far as I can see at the moment it is just a faster Trainz12 with reflections and shadows which is a shame after all the hype.
I asked back when beta testing TRS 2004 for a polycount to be added in Surveyor, so when you selected an asset in the list, you'd get a count for that object.
And it's so easy to do!

They didn't listen.

It was obvious even back then that some people wouldn't be frugal when it came to polys, and that we needed some way to protect against objects like that.


I along with a bunch of people asked for that again in TS2009 and it didn't happen!

In T:ANE at least there is a profiler you can load before starting T:ANE to show frame rates and other information. There is also the stats you can load as well in Surveyor and Driver to show worst case poly counts and splines, but it doesn't show which assets are causing this.

In the past my solution was and probably will still be, to walk the scene in Surveyor at ground level. I find if I get reasonable frame rates at that level, they are pretty good in Driver. If things are really horrible, I start looking for a killer. On my own route it was some old chunky track that was causing ills. Replacing that with new stuff made the world come to life. In another part I had to rebuild the baseboards. For some reason there was some "route rot" as I call it, and no matter what I did worked to resolve the problem.

Just a thought, but might it be possible to find any of this information by loading onto the test track. Just a wild idea!!
Just a thought, but might it be possible to find any of this information by loading onto the test track. Just a wild idea!!

Good thought, but that works for trains only and not scenery or other assets.

I have created a test route myself to check out downloads and assets. I call this route xxxx and it is nothing more than a couple of basesboards with old bits of track in it that I didn't delete when I saved. If I want to check out some assets I cloned, or downloaded and look great, I open this route, plop stuff in and take a look.
