2 TRAINZ pictures accepted ro railpictures.net!!! Well, sort of. 56K WARNING

Don't ever say Paint shot Pro is not good...


Lol, if they are good shots with good light and they are in focus, they will generally be accepted. Nice shots btw.
Lol, if they are good shots with good light and they are in focus, they will generally be accepted. Nice shots btw.
Thanks. Railpictures.net will accept for those reasons but rejects for such horrible ones. The ones that burn me the most are High Sun, and To Dark. We can't controll where the sun is and if you can see everything, it is not dark.
railpics.net sucks, they reject stuff for the most stupid reasons and if you go fix it they will repeatedly come up with another excuse, its probably just a automated system that makes up rejection by randomly choosing from a list.
They can never see past the technical details of a picture, thats all that matters too them.
example two of my favorite pictures that were rejected


http://rrpicturearchives.net FOREVER!
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Let me guess,

Pic 1: Poor Lighting, Bad Cropping, Too Dark, and Bad Contrast. Right?
Pic 2: To far, Blurry, Unsharp, and Dark right?

Taking the picture is easy, getting it past the screeners can be easy if you do the right things. Sometimes you do have to go screener fishing. I will get one picture rejected for being to blurry, then it being to sharp. Over half the pictures I have on their were accepted through a rejection appeal. Alot of the railfans that I railfan with agree that the screeners are getting way up their own behinds with it.
dont worry, your not alone, i had tons rejected before i got a single one in, i only have 3 now as it is.
i dont see how that is bad quality and imageshack probably compressed it a bit too, all i can see "wrong" is the cloudy sky but you cant help that in England:hehe:
A bit of Photoshop helps too, you can bring out the detail in those clouds with the shadow highlight tool to give the sky some texture.
it wont get accepted into RP in anycase cause they can make up reasons to reject anything.
as i said in my earlier post try http://www.rrpicturearchives.net or a British equivalent of that site (do they have one? )

http://rrpicturearchives.net FOREVER!
What else would you reject it for - before you say too close, I was literally as far as I could get without a fence and buffer getting in the way. Also, i have since got a new camera which doesnt over exose like this.
What else would you reject it for - before you say too close, I was literally as far as I could get without a fence and buffer getting in the way. Also, i have since got a new camera which doesnt over expose like this.

Not being smart, I want to get a pic accepted! :)
(quote from railpictures.net)With all due respect, your series of photos today are
just about the poorest train photos we have ever seen. There is a lot
more wrong with these images than just being taken in the rain.(en qoute):'( :'( :'( :'( :'(



I do like that shot of nuber 15...

Don't you hate it when the rain gets on the lens and fouls up everything? ;)
Well... I have to agree with them. I bet people now think I am a screener and their for don't have any respect for me anymore:p, but with all do respect, you need to frame much MUCH better! Whipe the water of the lense. Poor cropping, poor lighting, and just bad pictures. I am sorry. Look at the pictures on railpictures.net. Think of them when you take the pictures. I ahev had some bogus rejection shots myself. A little under half of my pictures on their were appealed from rejections anyway! Just keep on trying, you will get it eventually. It took me a TON OF TIME!!! 5 years... With this new account, I have now 12 pictures in 2 weeks! So far so good!