13 year-old girl struck and killed in Lawrence, MA on 10/31


Trainzing since 12-2003

Sadly a young one was killed crossing the railroad tracks. From the quick article it appears she was crossing where she wasn't supposed to.


I live not too far from here, and used to visit the yard in the past when I grew up in nearby Andover. Where this girl crossed used to be a fence by the apartment buildings. I'm not sure if the fence is there anymore, or she used a hole to go through.

And sadly people will continue to cross at locations like this because in their mind it's okay. We seriously have a problem with the general public in railroad tracks in this country. I'm sorry, but I don't sugar-coat these things.

And sadly people will continue to cross at locations like this because in their mind it's okay. We seriously have a problem with the general public in railroad tracks in this country. I'm sorry, but I don't sugar-coat these things.


Absolutely true. People think the trains can stop on a dime and the engineers can swerve. I'm sure she wouldn't have gone straight across nearby Broadway or Turnpike Street, which are both very busy and very dangerous roads.

I think a lot of it is that nowadays most people have no real contact with trains. In olden times railroads were a part of everyone's daily existence, but not any more. They say that familiarity breeds contempt, but so does ignorance.

For younger viewers...

Surely she should of had her parents with her? I mean if she was alone, I blame this all on the parents.
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