1000km (very large pictures )

I have been using Trainz for over 5 years now.Created a few routes.But I always wanted to see if I could get a layout done that was 1000 km in size.So after a couple of years working on and off this layout I finally have a workable 1000km layout.Mind this is totally a fictional layout,started at one end and just keept adding.I still need to add a few dozen stations and a bunch of industries.Here are a few of the hundreds of screenshot I have of this layout.....And I must say it is very big.Now this is what I call ULTRAMEGA ROUTE.....

The Start.....









Can you take a picture of the map cause i don't know how many squares 1000km is. If not can you tell me a guess of how many squares.
Can you take a picture of the map cause i don't know how many squares 1000km is. If not can you tell me a guess of how many squares.

It is approximately 1525 baseboards.Just saving the game takes 45 sec.I did this just to see if I could and see if the layout was still useable.I'll tell you this layout slows my computer to a crawl, framerate in very low, and there is very little content to speak off.Mainly track,textures and trees.

Damn! 1525 baseboard wow that massive of route! And that nice the screenshot here. So do you still build and make on your route or it done?
Damn! 1525 baseboard wow that massive of route! And that nice the screenshot here. So do you still build and make on your route or it done?

Basically the track work and signalling is done.Now just a matter of adding more stations and industry to give this layout a bit of a purpose.As for now I was just running the AVE-3 at speed settings of 500kph just to see the layout and signalling work.

Incredible ... I am impressive!!!

1500 plus ... wowow!!!:p

Please note down your pc's configuration so I mention them with my own, to see if i can run it if it's ever release.

1 question, how big is it? (in mb)

Great work
i believe you will need to put it on a CD and send it to auran to get it on the DLS, WAAAAY to big for normal upload
Incredible ... I am impressive!!!

1500 plus ... wowow!!!:p

Please note down your pc's configuration so I mention them with my own, to see if i can run it if it's ever release.

1 question, how big is it? (in mb)

Great work

I never packed it up, but in its uncomressed form the ground file is 324,470,875 bytes right now, track file is 3.1meg, object file 11meg and the config 63,000 bytes. So it looks like a pretty big file so far.

I never packed it up, but in its uncomressed form the ground file is 324,470,875 bytes right now, track file is 3.1meg, object file 11meg and the config 63,000 bytes. So it looks like a pretty big file so far.


Marking out Computer for this route!
I never packed it up, but in its uncomressed form the ground file is 324,470,875 bytes right now, track file is 3.1meg, object file 11meg and the config 63,000 bytes. So it looks like a pretty big file so far.


Your PC is better than mind, so my will stall ...
However, impressive work ... will only enjoy the screen shots:)

Just a suggestion ...
If you make it more forest, etc and not too much contents in terms of cities and big town, it might actually benefit the vass majority of the community!

Thanks for a quick response....

PS. check this out: may find them useful in such a gigantic route:
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Your PC is better than mind, so my will stall ...
However, impressive work ... will only enjoy the screen shots:)

Just a suggestion ...
If you make it more forest, etc and not too much contents in terms of cities and big town, it might actually benefit the vass majority of the community!

Thanks for a quick response....

PS. check this out: may find them useful in such a gigantic route:

Personally I dont like rolling stock splines,I think they look stupid.As you can see from the first screenie I like detail and rolling stock splines are not detailed.And yes there is a lot of forest area,probably about 800 km of it and a few places where I have merged some of my more detailed layouts.

i believe you will need to put it on a CD and send it to auran to get it on the DLS, WAAAAY to big for normal upload

This layout will never see the light of day on the DLS.The CDP file is 43meg and unless users have a First Class Ticket it would take them forever to download.This file could get bigger as I add stations and Industry.Basically I did this layout to see how far I could push TRS2004 and my computer.And to tell the truth 2004 can not handle it, and my computer slowed down to nothing.(comp specs below).Oh the layout works once you get it loaded and get to the driver mod.But everytime I quit driver the game just aborts with error messages.I think anything over 250km is of no use to anyone.

Basically the track work and signalling is done.Now just a matter of adding more stations and industry to give this layout a bit of a purpose.As for now I was just running the AVE-3 at speed settings of 500kph just to see the layout and signalling work.


Oh I understand and just be test just make sure would they are work or not, right so that cool!
i would happily spend 3 days downloading it and all the content. and my computer is good enough, it may run it
love it :D :D :p
great work and Nice screens Love the boxcars alot where did you get them? :hehe: :o
may take a few or get a FCT but i don't care! :D