Recent content by zo0ok

  1. Z

    09.10 Dundee - Kings Cross (Cab not working)

    Sorry if this is very stupid question... The 09.10 Dundee - Kings Cross session, I completed it in DCC mode, but in CAB mode the Train moved a few yards and then nothing. Is there a problem for everyone? Or have I failed to release some breaks I am not aware of? Something with the AWS (I tried)?
  2. Z

    Getting up long steep grades (Freight Delivery / Cornish...)

    I am absolutely new to Trainz, just got TRS 2019. On Cornish Mainline, Session: Freight Delivery, I get stuck after 7 miles. The grade is 2%, I have 23 wagons, no wheelslip and 180PSI in the boiler, 100% coal, blowers on... It slowly goes down to 0mph, and from there slowly downhill again. In...