Hello there. The name's Nick. I've been a Trainzer since 2013. I'm the Head Honcho of Pacific Northwest Trainz, a group that makes stuff for Trainz centered around the northwest USA and southwest Canada. I reskin stuff, build routes, produce hornsounds, all that jazz, by night. By day, I'm a Red Cross Certified Lifeguard at a local athletic club, as well as a High School student.
I think that's it about me.
Here's a list of stuff I'm working on:
Centralia, Washington area (BNSF Railway, PSAP Railroad, Frontier Rail)
All Lines Lead to Carlyle (PNWT Multi-Builder Mega Map)
I'm always making hornsounds as well. I release my best works via my Forum page, which can be found by clicking my signature. I'm busy with a minor thing called 'High School' (Idk what it is apparently the Government makes me do it) so I don't post very often.
Questions? Comments? That's what the Visitor message board is for.
That covers everything. See ya 'round.
Model railroading, railfanning, making YouTube videos, train simming.