Ekkehard (Trainz22PE and Trainz22+)
* There're always multiple truth's: Yours, mine, hers, his, theirs ... and the real. (author unknown for me or I don't remember)
* Who asks, may be the fool for five minutes, who doesn't, stays it his life long. (author unknown for me or I don't remember)
* Don't let the past write into your future, but use your experiences in a wise manner in your present. (author unknown for me or I don't remember)
* People searching for the reason of the things and find often the wrong, because they have insufficient informations. (Marc Elsberg, ZERO - They know, what you do)
* My personal freedom stops where others rights starts. (author of this version unknown for me or I don't remember)
* Having power is not half as important as what you do with it. (Translated german to english, from the film "Mathilda" by and with Danny DeVito)