"Trainz On Line"


New member
Another thread called multi player Trainz has caused me to post here :D
I've been calling for an online version for nearly 5 years now ... and at one time, I thought it all out on how Auran can precede with it ...I can't recall what I wrote so long ago, but I remembering saying that:

Auran would need to be running a special map of their servers ... 1 gigantic map to accommodate every possible tasks ... it would be MMOG or Massive Multi player Online Game .... Players would join be signing up to a account in their profile or in the in-game itself ... Task should be assigned on what type of stock they decied to select:

Special interests: like tankers, and TTX, etc ...

SO, for example, let's say I join ... I am given a loco and rolling stock and an assignment ... I leave the yard to enter the main line .... from this point forward the servers would monitor your behavior ... so if you pass a red light, a junction, etc ... anything that violate the rules the player gets kick and suspended, etc

A charge can cover the cost, because Auran would need to hire someone to monitor and update the system ...a monthly or yearly fee charge can be set... something reasonable so not to scare the masses!!

It has potential .... The map needs to be huge enough to accommodate hundreds that might join ... I know that frame rate and too much loco's and rolling stocks might have some PC's choking to death, however, have the system give red signs so no one player see more than a dozens Trainz at a time ...

Anyhow, just preliminary stuff ... but that's the direction I would go if I worked for Auran, and asked for my opinion how to make it precede with online trainz ...


I wonder how many people out there would want something like this?

And as an avid fan of Battlefield 2, I would think smallish maps with routes possibly 300 miles long could be developed and hosted allowing many on line games to be hosted with 16,32 or 60 people joining in, depending on the size of the map.
But everything else would be much the same. However, just like in BF42, members could build routes, submit them for approval, and if they were liked well enough, they could be hosted on the dedicated server.
That way everybody would get to play trainz the way they liked, I guess. Anyway, lets see if we can find many hundreds of people interested in playing Trainz on line to register their interest here, and convince Auran that this is the way we want it to go. Thanks for listening, now tell us how you would do it.
ps if you have never posted before, this is a great place to start ;)
I've long thought about implementing the PTP addons in this way (about 1200KM total I think) but I'll have to wait till a version of Trainz capable of this comes out.

Post moved here from other thread by me.....

Originally Posted by comtrain
I believe we came pretty close to getting Trainz Multi-Player this time instead of Classics. But unfortunately this thread shows how few the numbers are who really want it.

I would imagine that a lot more people than it seems would be interested in an online version of Trainz, but maybe they feel that there are currently implemented features that still need plenty of attention for them to be acceptable first (Signal blocks, AI, Physics, Sound Engine, [insert you own here]).

I think most of the features I just mentioned would need to be fixed before any sort of Online play was possible. Certainly before it was enjoyable.

Unfortunately, as I see it, Trainz Classics isn't going to bring Online play with it for at least a couple of versions.
However, it may bring updates to the core code that fixes the features I mentioned to an acceptable standard, meaning that Online play could then be added.

My next Trainz purchase will be Trainz Classics pack 3, and if it has these fixes and online play, then I'm back onboard.

It could happen. :rolleyes:

I think there would be a cost issue. Would people be happy to play the subscription that normally accompanies any MMOG?
I have never understood the allure for an online version of Trainz, or any other transportation based sim.

Feel free to correct my way of thinking, but in the other Multiplayer games, your avatar actually interacts with other players. You can be killed, or join others in a quest, and you can realize gain from completing tasks. In Trainz you drive your consist past another multiplayer and what.....toot your horn?

I don't see it as being any different from playing any other session or scenario, it's not like you can get out of the engine, walk around, get a cup of coffee in the depot or anything.

I believe the lack of interest in multi-play railroad simulators is due more to the fact that none are available or even proposed. If one existed I think that an interest in it would develop very quickly.

The allure of multi-play train sim is the fact that this is the only real way to realistically model railroad operations and two it brings people together to socialize who share a common interest.

While I am at it I think I am going to go back to the makers of train dispatcher games and clarify what they mean by an interface?

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Another thread called multi player Trainz has caused me to post here :D

I wonder how many people out there would want something like this?

And as an avid fan of Battlefield 2, I would think smallish maps with routes possibly 300 miles long could be developed and hosted allowing many on line games to be hosted with 16,32 or 60 people joining in, depending on the size of the map.
But everything else would be much the same. However, just like in BF42, members could build routes, submit them for approval, and if they were liked well enough, they could be hosted on the dedicated server.
That way everybody would get to play trainz the way they liked, I guess. Anyway, lets see if we can find many hundreds of people interested in playing Trainz on line to register their interest here, and convince Auran that this is the way we want it to go. Thanks for listening, now tell us how you would do it.
ps if you have never posted before, this is a great place to start ;)

It could be done both ways ... Let's say Trainz Online can be purchase now, right .... well, it would have the program able to have online gaming with whom whoever ... My proposal is more of a dedicated online simulation, having Auran running the whole show ... You will not know what to expect ... I guess that's the idea here ... Of course, I would like to play online with friends only, one-on-one ...

so, we got here 2 different perspectives, which is a good thing, and hopefully people post their opinions, ideas, and comments. ...

To finish off, having Auran run it will give people the opportunity to just get on a loco and drive it, instead of working on a route, and trying to figure out what tasks to do, etc etc ... I guess my idea is really for the "I don't want to deal with stuff" guy ... just get me behind the cab and let's go... :D :)

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But whats the diffrence?

Trainz On-line or off i'm not going to pay 10-20-30 bucks for what i have already, Yes all be it amsome to zoom by a player at 201 MPH i could set on Al for the same thing... Get it? My point here is that yes that be cool but to pay for something i already have!?! Nonsence what about Lag and Hackers people! Auran can do what ever but think... Yeah lets say your in Auran's seat you've got 50-60 people talking about this and that.

First: you've got people that make dumb post's about Auran this and Auran that.

Second: Trying to clean up the fourm a bit.

Third: answering HelpDesk replys. Give 'em a brake guys and gals there doing the best that they can i'm sure.
Well this would be very neat because then there could be groups that replicate the operations of real railways (or even setup their own virtual railway companies), for instance if I could get PTP1, 2, 3 (in development), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 to work with a system like this (about 4500-5000KM of rail total). I would be able to replicate the operations on about 1/10 of the DB's rail network. This would be about 1000 trains total, this would make for some very interesting stuff, for instance: High speed trains (ICE, IC), Regional trains, and City trains (Berlin and Liepzig). And since the PTP locos and routes have (heavily scripted) the DB's current signaling and safety (e.g. PZB 90, LZB, Sifa) equipment the only thing we wouldn't be able to do is stop at a station for a driver change, step into a depot and suck down a few cups of coffee.

I'm all for it and the cost is simply cheap entertainment in my estimation. If you consider what other forms of entertainment can cost per hour (or minute), I'm willing to pay for the on-line gaming experience if it's done well. I've never really understood the scope of what some people expect for a little $30 - $50 game. Perfection and lifetime technical support?
.....snipped... thing we wouldn't be able to do is stop at a station for a driver change, step into a depot and suck down a few cups of coffee.


Well I guess we could still do the changeover :)
I log on and I have 3 hours free. I tell the Train Controller and he tells me to go to station XZ where a freight train will be arriving in 20 minutes. This driver has already asked for relief. A protocol is set up, where the drivers changeover. The relief driver is handed the trains roster and proceeds (You make your own cup of tea.. :D )
It could be done both ways ... Let's say Trainz Online can be purchase now, right .... well, it would have the program able to have online gaming with whom whoever ... My proposal is more of a dedicated online simulation, having Auran running the whole show ... You will not know what to expect ... I guess that's the idea here ... Of course, I would like to play online with friends only, one-on-one ...

so, we got here 2 different perspectives, which is a good thing, and hopefully people post their opinions, ideas, and comments. ...

To finish off, having Auran run it will give people the opportunity to just get on a loco and drive it, instead of working on a route, and trying to figure out what tasks to do, etc etc ... I guess my idea is really for the "I don't want to deal with stuff" guy ... just get me behind the cab and let's go... :D :)


Oh, and ish6 I wasn't putting your idea down, just opening it up a bit ;)
Hey you guys
I would also like the kind of thing your on about here
I jumped on the other post as soon as the first post went up because I thought this was the best I would be able to get with trainz as it is today
I would realy like it ( the other post ) to be like one large route with each person controling 1 section ( 8 guys so 8 sections ) with a comon pass service running the circle and each person putting togeather freight trains to send and service each others industys, I have set up my module like this with a trap at each end to collect incoming traffic, I have even made provission on the map for expansion in the future,

Well having said that It looks like it is going to be a waste of time again as there has been no input from the other guys now for a week ?
maybe another dead end ( I hope not ) we shall see

Maybe one day we can have a real online type of sim but I dont think with the direction Auran are going at the moment it will be Trainz !!

best wishes
I would love it!

I think it would be great to be able to sign-on to a route, observe, get some train orders and take part in a virtual world railroad that operates all the time just like the real ones.

How nice would it be to be a regular Amtrak or BNSF engineer, familiar with Marias Pass for example... Or maybe part of a branch line crew working a local train... Or releive a mainline crew and take a train down the line to another waiting crew?

I think it would be fun to log-in and see what waybills or schedules are open, get assigned a train and 'work' the railroad. If the world is industry dependent, how well can we make it thrive?

Even if we didn't have a 'big brother' type of server, it would still be cool to invite a few friends over to a local server for some coordinated action... like we used to do at the Model Railroad clubs (when I still lived near enough to attend) Back then, "session" meant something that involved the efforts of several individuals working to accomplish seperate but common goals.

Of course, this would involve the creation of a whole new aspect nobody talks about... Trainz Dispatcher. The ability to oversee and direct, by voice or text communication, the movement of trains and junctions. But, that's a whole other thread waiting for it's time.

Trainz AI is nice, but they don't really make decisions for themselves, you can't communicate messages to them enroute when changes are necessary and they aren't very good communicating back. Human contact and unpredictability is a big part of what makes other online multiplayer games so attractive.

...Besides, my wife would probably be happier about my Trainz time if she knew it involved friends other than 'Andrew' and 'Adair'.

If Trainz ever moves the multi-player direction, I'm onboard all the way!

I would love a multiplayer feature so you could play over a network. I have a couple of computers capable of running trainz and would be nice to control more than one train at once without having to switch views constantly. Also a mutlimonitor option for surveyor would be nice in some future version.
I think it would be great to be able to sign-on to a route, observe, get some train orders and take part in a virtual world railroad that operates all the time just like the real ones.

How nice would it be to be a regular Amtrak or BNSF engineer, familiar with Marias Pass for example... Or maybe part of a branch line crew working a local train... Or releive a mainline crew and take a train down the line to another waiting crew?

I think it would be fun to log-in and see what waybills or schedules are open, get assigned a train and 'work' the railroad. If the world is industry dependent, how well can we make it thrive?

Even if we didn't have a 'big brother' type of server, it would still be cool to invite a few friends over to a local server for some coordinated action... like we used to do at the Model Railroad clubs (when I still lived near enough to attend) Back then, "session" meant something that involved the efforts of several individuals working to accomplish seperate but common goals.

Of course, this would involve the creation of a whole new aspect nobody talks about... Trainz Dispatcher. The ability to oversee and direct, by voice or text communication, the movement of trains and junctions. But, that's a whole other thread waiting for it's time.

Trainz AI is nice, but they don't really make decisions for themselves, you can't communicate messages to them enroute when changes are necessary and they aren't very good communicating back. Human contact and unpredictability is a big part of what makes other online multiplayer games so attractive.

...Besides, my wife would probably be happier about my Trainz time if she knew it involved friends other than 'Andrew' and 'Adair'.

If Trainz ever moves the multi-player direction, I'm onboard all the way!


Hey Rick
Welcome to the thread :)
Now I think your post just about sums it up!

But Dispatcher really is a major part of the thread, because like you said, without it we cannot do much online.
Someone else noted that we need the ability of changing routes and sending "orders" accross the system, so that the train goes where it should, and the driver knows where he is going too.
Well done
Actually TRS2006 can do multiplayer .. that was one of the things that we were working on with Henk/Chris .. all of the major bits are there, we actually started buying rights to a 'dispatcher' simulator that was going to be hooked into it all as well.

Driver #1 "Mr Controller I am sitting here waiting for you to release me at Lewisham"

CTC "Sorry there is a log train already inbound, you will be released when he is clear"
