Everthing Steam (Warning Large Pics)

The Last Days


Standard gauge Shay

I hope you guys don't mind if I post a short video clip here? If you watch it in full screen plus high definition can we pretend it's actually just a series of screen shotz?

It's one of Ben Neal's creations - his standard gauge Shay that I've fettled up to run in TS12.

Shays were used on logging railroads because of their ability to run on rough track with tight curves and because of their high power relative to their size. The three cylinders alongside the boiler drive the two bogeys through shafts and bevel gears.

For the curious the route is "Krashnburne", available on the DLS.

As I mentioned above, it's best watched in HD and full screen. For those with a slower internet connection, try pausing the video to let most of it load up before playing.


Hey Bob...your screenshots are great fun. It seems like you like #1595 as much as I do. :D Big steamers aren't everything though. Some of the little guys are pretty cool too. Hmmmm...maybe it's time to reskin one of
Ben's smaller steamers again.


P.S. If you're still using the stock whistle, I suggest that you swap it out for my NYC 6 Chime Steam Whistle on the DLS. It's much more prototypical...more fun too...especially when you hold the H key down. ;)
Hey Fred Thanks for the Kind remark..Guess what, I now have your NYC 6 Chime whistle on it, I love it..:wave: I hope you didn't mind that I changed the smoke..:wave: